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Output contains frequency distributions and only most appropriate MCTs, MDs, and graphs for both original



Appendix A: Output contains frequency distributions and only most appropriate MCTs, MDs, and graphs for both original and recodes, as well as select cases. Everything is defined and labelled after recoding (4)


Has 1 2x2 Crosstabulation with Chi-square and Measure of Association-Cramer’s V; Has 1 Elaborated crosstab with Chi-square and Measure of Associations for a two-response attribute control (4)

Has a research purpose for univariate and crosstabs- describes the nature of your results for each variable distribution by discussing the type of variable and level of measurement.


UNIVARIATES: Discusses frequencies, valid percentages, measures of central tendencies and dispersion, and charts. Also, discusses skewness/kurtosis where applicable. Describes the nature of distributions after selecting cases by discussing frequency counts and valid percent- both; discusses change in distributions after select cases and levels of measurement change (12).


CROSSTABS: identification of DV, IV, and control variables, levels of measurement for the variables (justifies these choices) in discussion; null and alternate hypotheses given with arrow diagram; explains why and how recoding was done, also mentions that the level of measurement changes with the recode, cross-tabs (including conditional distributions column %, chi-square significance, strength of association) and elaborations (including conditional distributions, column %’s chi-square significance, strength of association and relationship to original cross-tab – has it altered it?; patterns discussed and if original theory is supported); all cross-tabs discuss rejection of null hypothesis or not? Interprets technically and substantively (12).


Makes concluding statement for each analysis- What do these results suggest about the sample? Provides a summary of analysis without using numbers; Discusses if findings were expected? Presented results in a clear concise and organized manner using subheadings (6).

Appendix A: an organized “original” output of all original and recoded variables with select cases; All tables and graphs are labelled and organized; all variables were run in a proper order (NOIR); all crosstabs are labelled correctly. Used [12 font], double-spaced with 1” margins on all sides and adheres to the 10-page limit.



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