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Select one of the following sub-cultures: Chinese-Canadian, South Asian-Canadian, AfroCabibbean


1. Select one of the following sub-cultures: Chinese-Canadian, South Asian-Canadian, AfroCabibbean, or some other subculture you are familiar with and list the aspects Marketers should consider in order to market effectively to them. Be Specific.


A subculture is a group of people within a culture that share similar beliefs, values, buying preferences and buying habits. Marketing customizations based on subcultures can help companies expand their markets and earn customer loyalty. Marketers should consider characteristics such as language, traditions, food, music, clothing, holidays, religious beliefs, and norms of the subculture in order to market effectively. To market effectively to the Chinese-Canadian subculture marketers can celebrate the Chinese new year to market towards their holiday traditions and beliefs in order to gain respect and loyalty for the brand. Marketers can market products in Chinese language as consumers are more likely to buy the product if it is in a language they can read. A cultural norm for Chinese-canadians is that they learn English words from what the entire word looks like as a picture, therefore marketers can market products with pictures of the words in order to market their product to people in the culture that aren’t familiar with the English language.  Chinese consumers take interest in organic and natural food so marketers can emphasize the quality of ingredients used in food products in order to attract Chinese-Canadian consumers. Chinese-canadians have strong cultural traditions of family and peace, so marketers can show collaboration and people celebrating each others differences in advertisements to bring in Chinese-canadian consumers. Popular music genres in the Chinese-canadian culture such as kpop or Cantonese folk songs can be played in stores to attract consumers in the subculture. 


The important elements of the subculture. 




Religous Beliefs

Language - more likely to buy product if the language is one you can read. 

Customs and Morals

Family Life Cycle

Family Relations




Norms - attitude and behaviour toward others


2. Using the hierarchy of needs theory described in the textbook, indicate, with justification, which of the needs the following brands are targeting - Nike (Just Do It), Uber (everyone's private driver), BMW (for driving pleasure), Subaru (confidence in motion), Salvation Army (we see what others don't), L'Oreal (because you're worth it). You may use other information sources to justify your answer.



 Nike (Just Do It) is targeting 

Uber (everyone’s private driver) 

BMW (for driving pleasure)

Subaru (confidence in motion)

Salvation Army (we see what others don’t)

L’Oreal (because you’re worth it)



3. You apply for an entry-level job as a marketing analyst with a consumer-packaged goods firm. At the job interview the Marketing Director says to you, "over the years, I am amazed at how two consumers looking at the same product or advertisement yet seem to have difference experiences". Can you help explain this behaviour to me?


This question deals with perception and perception is the process where we select, organize, and interpret information to form a meaningful picture of the world. Perception is influenced by beliefs, life experiences, family influence, friends, values, wealth, social status, media, education, gender, sexual orientation are more. For example someone who grew up with their parents driving a Kia soul may want to buy one because they had any great experiences in it as a child, whereas someone who is seeing a KIA soul for the first time may hate the design and decide to never buy that car. 


4. In the class slides, I have asked for examples of marketing actions managers can implement to better serve customers or market their products during the buying decision process. Make a note of all the instances and come prepared to discuss them in class.


Examples of marketing actions managers can implement to better serve customer or market their product during the buying decision process include:

Making information accessible – easy to read and in multiple media/formats

Educate consumers about products especially to their specific needs – focus on relevant attributes and benefits

Provide information that would relieve fear about risks – returns, warranties, etc.

Use live chat so consumers can ask questions and become more familiar with the product. 

Demonstrate the use of the product. 

Provide testimonials from past customers. 

Use online strategies such as reviews, recommendations, forum comments, blogs, tweets etc.

Show multiple products in stores

Offer multiple payment options

Offer delivery and installation

Offer financing

Offer sales promotions

Display product prominently

Show price comparison

Offer price matching

Implement “buy now” offers



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