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Business Statistics

Severely impacted by Covid-19, the airline industry was almost run to ground.


Description of Assignment:

Severely impacted by Covid-19, the airline industry was almost run to ground. While a few of them went out of business, many flag carriers received state funding to keep them afloat. As air travel started to resume, airlines are then faced with problems at airports. All these have made it difficult to see how the airline industry will unfold in the next 10 years. Against this background, you are to put together a report that shows in detail what industry trajectories would look like.


Deliverable: A slidedeck that uses the data visualisation techniques introduced. It should also tell a story, making sure that it is both interesting to read and informative. A good test whether this goal is achieved is to take a step back and ask if the reader would be able to get and understand the message conveyed on each slide.


The areas of the airline industry you should focus on include:

Projected size and growth of the market in the next 5-10 years

At the minimum, revenue, EBITDA and profitability projections of selected airlines

Number of passengers expected in different continents and the factors that drive the number of passengers

New developments in the industry that can affect all of the above

Growth opportunities within the industry (e.g. premium economy? New routes?)

Show on one slide how businesses in this industry pursue (at least allegedly) ESG


You should add other relevant areas that can tell an even better story. Answering these 6 points above represents the absolute minimum. You should deploy some of the techniques covered in the course. You can attempt to obtain some quantitative data (however little) to perform any of the analysis methods introduced.


Moreover, you are welcome to be creative with data collection, such as handing out surveys and conducting interviews with experts and insiders of the industry.


Since this is a graduate-level course, it is expected that your final output would be produced to a professional standard. Bear in mind the following when it comes to quality assurance:

•    Logic of the analysis

•    Error-free writing/quality control

•    Keeping it precise and concise – get to the point 

•    Consistent formatting

•    Referencing and referencing format


Last but not least, please note that this is a “beauty contest”, which means not everyone will get a high grade – some will be better than most. In other words, you are competing with your colleagues. This is how the world of business works when it comes to selecting the winner among different bidders. This also means that it is inevitable that the grades given to your submission will be subjective.


For any citations and references, please use the APA v7 referencing system.



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