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Star Wars is the quintessential struggle between the forces of good and evil. In this homework we apply our data science skills to explore the story of a young lad who dreams of adventure in a galaxy far far away.


Homework 8:


Star Wars is the quintessential struggle between the forces of good and evil. In this homework we apply our data science skills to explore the story of a young lad who dreams of adventure in a galaxy far far away.



We expect you to write your code in a modular style using a well-defined collection of functions. The functions you implement are totally at your discretion. As always, you will be graded on a) correctness, b) code design and efficiency, and c) documentation and style. You may not use Pandas, numpy, or any library such as NLTK that would trivialize some parts of the implementation. Do your best. Or do not do your best. There is no try.


What you're practicing in this assignment

- String processing and sentiment analysis

- dictionaries and other data structures

- Writing functions




Read the data. Load file, starwars.txt, contains the entire script of the Star Wars original movie, but in a nicely formatted .CSV file with three columns:


line_number: 1, 2, 3, ….

character: The name of the character who is speaking, e.g., LUKE, VADER, etc.

dialog: The character’s spoken line.


For example:




641|LEIA|This is some rescue. When you came in here, didn't you have a plan for getting out? 642|HAN|He's the brains, sweetheart.

643|LUKE|Well, I didn't... 644|HAN|What the hell are you doing?

645|LEIA|Somebody has to save our skins. Into the garbage chute, wise guy.




Note that each column is delimited by a vertical bar ‘|’ character rather than a comma because commas in the dialog column might otherwise cause you some difficulty when parsing the dataset.


Read the data into a list of dictionaries, as you did with the Blue Bikes data in HW7. Each dictionary represents one line from the movie where keys are column names (line_number, character, dialogue) and values are the values for that line of dialogue. Do not clean or modify the dialogue text as you store it in your data structure. Simply leave it as is.



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