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Python Programming

Suppose you’re designing a video game where the objective is to travel around the world collecting cute cartoonish creatures


1. Suppose you’re designing a video game where the objective is to travel around the world collecting cute cartoonish creatures that become stronger over time by fighting other cute cartoonish creatures. (This is totally the best idea ever! Why hasn’t anyone thought of this before?!)


Within a file named cute creature.py, write a class CuteCreature that includes the following instance methods.

(a) (3 points) Each CuteCreature object has the following instance attributes:1

Species - a string indicating the type of creature (such as ‘Bowlbasore,’ ‘Squaretell,’ or ‘Peekashoe’)

Level – a positive integer indicating how powerful the creature is

Current hit points – a non-negative integer indicating how much damage the creature can take before being incapacitated

Maximum hit points - a positive integer indicating the highest possible value of current hit points

Attack rating – a non-negative integer indicating how effective this creature is at attacking another creature

Defense rating - a non-negative integer indicating how effective this creature is at resisting an attack from another creature

Experience points – a non-negative integer indicating the creature’s cumulative expe- rience. Creatures use experience points to determine when to “level up” and become more powerful.

Experience value – a non-negative integer indicating how many experience points this creature is worth when defeated by another creature

is special – a Boolean variable that determines whether this creature is considered “special.” Internally, special creatures are exactly the same as non-special creatures. However, they have a slightly different appearance and are somehow very highly prized by the players of your game.

Write a constructor that takes parameters for species, maximum hit points, attack rating, defense rating, experience value, and “special” status. A newly created CuteCreature should have a level of 1, current hit points equal to the maximum hit points, and zero experience points.



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