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Tackling Global-Local Challenges in Ethics, Responsibility and SustainabilityCourse MBA


Topic: Tackling Global-Local Challenges in Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability Course MBA

Assessment guidance: What I look for as a tutor



In this session, I want to remind you how we mark as tutors and what we are looking for. I have also included some guidance around paragraph structures, the idea of ‘anchoring’ your work in academic literature and some thoughts on planning your work

The University skills is also site is worth investing your time in as it will help you with referencing, critical thinking, academic reading and writing as well as other important skills. The link is https://my.cumbria.ac.uk/Student-Life/Learning/Skills-Cumbria/


Finally, this session is also about having the opportunity to give some general feedback on the formative assessment - you will receive individual feedback by the end of week 2 - and some guidance looking forward on how that links to your main assessment for this module


What do I look for?

That you have clearly and explicitly answered all parts of the question that was set


That your work is your own


That your ideas are correctly anchored in the ideas used in the module and properly referenced


That you have demonstrated the knowledge and skills required to the right level


I then mark your work to the marking grid


If the work is weak in any one area, it is likely to undermine your mark; If it is weak in two or more areas, the work is likely to fail

You can use the marking grid yourself in the preparation of your assessments to help you





Expert's Answer

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