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Python Programming

The Simple Café has a simple menu (at right). The user would like a program to help with invoicing each order. The invoice should show each item ordered with the cost, the subtotal, the tax charges (at 8.3%) and the total bill (subtotal + tax)


Assignment 10 – Café Invoice

ALIGNMENT: This assignment provides practice with using a repetition structure to get multiple

ASSIGNMENT: The Simple Café has a simple menu (at right). The user would like a program to help with invoicing each order. The invoice should show each item ordered with the cost, the subtotal, the tax charges (at 8.3%) and the total bill (subtotal + tax):

He would like it easy for the wait staff to enter the order as a single input string – such as DFI if the patron ordered a chicken sandwich with a side and a cup of coffee. Here is a sample execution:

Write a Python program in which you:

  • Save your file with as “CIS156_10_CafeInvoice_YourLastName.py”

  • Print the project tile on the first Print the next line showing your name as the developer, followed by a blank line (remember you can use \n). Then provide a description of what the program does.

  • The user should be prompted to enter a sring containing the order (e.g. ACFFGG)

  • TIP: Use a repetition loop (for) to go through each letter of the input, g.:

for xyz in myString:

will loop through each character of the myString variable. Then use a nested if…elif…else structure to add the appropriate item to a string for the invoice (remember to add new line characters), and increment the subtotal appropriately. For example:

elif i == "C":

invoice += "\nHot Dog........... $1.75"

subtotal += 1.75

  • After the loop, print the invoice string, display the subtotal, calculate and display the tax (8.3%) and the total (subtotal + tax)

  • Add a string showing the date and time. Google “Python date and time”. BTW, you have to “import datetime” to use the “now” property and the suggested strftime( ) method to

  • You may not use any features not yet covered in this course or discussed above, including lists, tuples, functions.


SUBMIT: Upload your Python (.py) file to Canvas in the Assignment 10 area.

GRADING (2 Points)

  • 1 point for cSLO1 – Write Python programs that process user input and display formatted

  • 1 point for cSLO2 – Use control structures (in this case, for repetition and if conditional structures)

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