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The aim of the advertising campaign is to identify which specific advertising communication method/medium among the selection


Report Requirements: - 

1. Read and Understand the Scenario in Annex A. A survey has been conducted and the data are in the attached excel sheet. You are to perform descriptive statistics analysis using the data in the excel sheet (Annex A) 


2. The aim of the advertising campaign is to identify which specific advertising communication method/medium among the selection below would reach as many potential customers as possible effective at generating sales for the newly launched T5 smartphone.


Advertising communication/Medium 


[1] watching television, 

[2] browsing the internet, 

[3] listening to the radio, 

[4] engaging with social media, 

[5] readings newspapers/magazines. 


From the Descriptive Statistics Analysis, determine which “advertising communication method/medium” would be the most effective at generating sales.


3. Discuss and finalise the Results (500 words) 


Descriptive Statistics Analysis of the Survey Data based in Annex A 

(*You do not need to do inferential statistical analyses for this lab report)

Develop BAR graph and table to communicate the results 











Annex A - Scenario for the Lab Report

You work for the International Telecommunications Group (ITG) and are advising on the best advertising method for the launch of a “new smartphone T5 model”. 


You conducted a survey among 100 customers who had previously purchased the model T4 phone to further understand your customer base and to determine which “advertising method” would be the most effective at generating sales. 


Using your knowledge of descriptive statistics, you will use this data, to make a recommendation to ITG on the best advertising method for the new T5 model phone. 


The aim of the advertising campaign is to reach as many potential customers as possible via a single medium. This will reduce costs by not advertising on less effective mediums. 

The survey was called the ‘ITG Communications Survey’. The survey was conducted online via the ITG website. The survey was advertised to customers via the company website and on social media platforms. Participation was voluntary, anonymous, and confidential. Participation took under 5 minutes to complete and there was no incentive for completion. 

The survey included the following:- 

Demographic Section

Sex (1 = male, 2 = female, 3 = other) 

Age Group (1 = Gen Z [14-24 years], 2 = Millennials [25-38 years], 3 = Gen X  [39-55 years], 4 = Boomers [56-74 years], Matures [75+ years])  


Q1: ‘Did you purchase a model T4 phone?’ (1 = yes, 2 = no) 

Q2: ‘What advertising method informed your decision to purchase the model T4 phone?’ (1 = online, 2 = television, 3 = radio, 4 = social media, 5 = print media) 

Q3: ‘Would you purchase a model T5 phone?’ (1 = yes, 2 = no, 3 = undecided)

Q4: ‘Which digital entertainment/information activity do you most engage with?’ (2 = browsing the internet, 1 = watching television, 3 = listening to the radio, 4 = engaging with social media, 5 = readings newspapers/magazines)  

A copy of the survey data is provided in the Microsoft Excel Worksheet titled ‘ITG Communications Survey Data’.


Annex B - Guidelines to write a Full Lab Report



*For the Lab Report, only need to do Descriptive Statistics analyses of your data 

For the Lab Report, all you need to do is provide a [1] Descriptive Statistics analyses and [2] quantitative summary of the data you collected. To do this you should present your results in tables or figures (or even both), depending on your measures. You can use means or totals of your measures or frequency distributions.

Ideally, you should present results in Tables & Figures which best inform the reader of the outcome of your research. So the results you present should reflect your research aim and any hypotheses you were testing. It is your results that provide the quantitative evidence that represents the outcome of your study.

Tables and Figures

When presenting your results in tables or figures you should always include a clear description on these results in the body or text of your results section. This description should explain clearly what the results represent as well as the results of any statistical analyses that were undertaken. Again, this should be directed to assist the reader with your interpretation of the results which you provide in your discussion section.

So your Results section provides a summary and description of your results, while your Discussion section provides an interpretation/conclusion in terms of your research aim and hypotheses and where you integrate the results of your study with prior relevant research.

Example table – if you use a table, edit this template, place the table and its header and title in the text, and add any relevant notes. Do not duplicate information, though – report in Table or text, not both]. You should then also refer to the table in the text (e.g. “See Table 1 for descriptive statistics).



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