1. The data set asked the general question of how you would rate the music of various artist. The response options were ranked from 1 to 5, with “1” being terrible and “5” being exceptional. The data set is the numbered the students ranked for each artist.
2. In variable view, look at the values in the Measure column. By default, QuestionPro (the survey tool/app) has set all the variables to “Nominal.” Correct the values in the Measure column that need to be corrected.
3. Follow the steps in the 2300 Manual to run a one-sample t-test on the hypothesis that the mean rating of Travis Scott’s music is lower than the scale midpoint (“average”). I.e., use test value = 3
A one-sample t-test showed that the mean on how you would rate Travis Scott’s music (M= 2.16, SD=1.20) was significantly lower than 3, t(68)=-5.8, p
4. Open the one-sample t-test dialog box again (AnalyzeàCompareMeansàOne-Sample...
This time, notice that you can add more than one variable to the Test Variable field. Add
the ratings variables for all eight of the artists to the Test Variable field. As in #3, set the
test value to 3. Click OK...... Choose one artist other than Travis Scott and report the
results of the one-sample t-test in APA-format.
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