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C Sharp Programming

The files needed for the creation of this program are: Visual studio Haptek Character Engine/Player AIMLbot 2.0 library & AIML Files



Task 1

Programming language C#

The files needed for the creation of this program are:

  • Visual studio
  • Haptek Character Engine/Player
  • AIMLbot 2.0 library & AIML Files

I already managed to type all the code written on the video for this program by following a video on YouTube which shows literally everything that needs to be done for this program. I require to follow this video to easily find the errors committed by me in the program.

On the zip folder attached:

  • The program already being developed by me
  • Included the Haptek character software that needs to be installed first
  • And added the AIML files on bin folder as shown on the video


The errors that I am facing during the development of the program are:

  1. At beginning of the video, it says to add the ActiveXHaptekControl to the form which I did but the issue is before running the program, on YouTube video it shows the face of the character while on my program it just shows “Sorry, unable to display Haptek character.



  1. Another issue found is after running the program this is the error I get. Managed to add as reference the speech but the problem continues.



  1. If I click the “OK” on the error message from the image above, it shows me the program on the image below and after clicking the button “Speak” the program breaks and it displays another error.



  1. This error and warning from the below image is preventing me to be able to speak with the robot through the speech recognizer.



Task 2

Extra Features: Calculator, Process control and shutting down the computer

These extra features I am asking for, I want them to be implemented on the same program only after finishing solving all the issues requested from the task 1. When the program is fully working as it is showing on the video on the task 1 you can start adding the extra features for this Task 2. These extra features I am requiring on the task 2 are not on the video from the YouTube but are extra features that I would like to be implemented on this program. From these extra features the priority number one is calculator. The extra task with lowest priority is to shutdown the computer.


I have been doing research and this is the code I found for the creation of these tasks and think it might help for you to use in the program. All the source code I am providing below are suggestion, in case you don’t find them suitable to use you can write your own code.

  1. Calculator

I would like the calculatior to be implemented on this program the feature to allow the Haptek character when is queried to respond and give any maths arithmetic solutions to the user. For example: I the user asks 5+5 the program will say 10

Other examples: 10 * 10=100

20 - 5=15

50 / 2 = 25

Source code:


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Threading.Tasks;


namespace FinalJatvis


    /// <summary>

    /// Class to make calculations

    /// </summary>

    class Calculations


        public static void DoCalculation(string calc)


            string simple = calc.Replace("How much is", "");

            simple = simple.Trim();


            string[] parts = simple.Split(' ');

            double result = 0.0; // resultado calculation

            switch (parts[1])


                case "plus":

                    result = Convert.ToDouble(parts[0]) + Convert.ToDouble(parts[2]); // using casting


                case "minus":

                    result = Convert.ToDouble(parts[0]) - Convert.ToDouble(parts[2]); // using casting


                case "times":

                    result = Convert.ToDouble(parts[0]) * Convert.ToDouble(parts[2]); // using casting


                case "divided":

                    result = Convert.ToDouble(parts[0]) / Convert.ToDouble(parts[3]); // using casting


                case "percentage":

                    result = Convert.ToDouble(parts[0]) * 100 / Convert.ToDouble(parts[3]); // using casting



            result = Math.Round(result, 2);






  1. Process control: to open different available programs on the computer

Source code:


using System;

using System.Diagnostics; // namespace used


namespace FinalJatvis


       /// <summary>

       /// Description of ProcessControl.

       /// </summary>

       public class ProcessControl


              public ProcessControl()




              public static void OpenOrClose(string proc)


            if (proc.StartsWith("open"))


                proc = proc.Replace("open", "");

                proc = proc.Trim();


                switch (proc)


                    case "notepad":



                    case " commando prompt":



                    case "windows media player":



                    case "task manager":



                    case "calculator":






            else if(proc.StartsWith("close"))


                proc = proc.Replace("close ", "");

                proc = proc.Trim();

                switch (proc)


                    case "notepad":

                        CloseProcess("notepad", proc);


                    case "windows media player":;

                        CloseProcess("wmplayer", proc);


                    case "task manager":

                        CloseProcess("taskmgr", proc);


                    case "calculator":

                        CloseProcess("calc", proc);





        private static void CloseProcess(string cmd, string proc)


            try // using try/catch


                Process[] p = Process.GetProcessesByName(cmd);

                if (p[0] != null) // if the process is not null


                    Speaker.SayWithStatus("closing the " + proc);



                else // if the process is null


                    Speaker.Speak("sorry, but the " + proc + " is not open");



            catch (Exception ex) // program will help on debug


                Speaker.Speak("sorry, an error occurred, sorry, the error was, " + ex.Message);




        /// <summary>

        /// Do something on process list

        /// </summary>

        public static void ProcessesRunning()




                Process[] procs = Process.GetProcesses(); // get all the processes

                Speaker.Speak("obtaining the process list");

                foreach (Process proc in procs) // walk through the processes


                    if (proc.MainWindowTitle != "")


                        Speaker.Speak(proc.MainWindowTitle + " you are using " + Convert.ToString(proc.PagedMemorySize64 / 1024 / 1024) + " mega bites");




            catch (Exception ex)


                Speaker.Speak("an error has occurred " + ex.Message); // it notifies the error







  1. Special Commands (shutdown and restart computer)

Source code:


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

using System.Diagnostics;


namespace FinalJatvis


    /// <summary>

    /// Class that will execute special commands

    /// </summary>

    public static class SpecialCommands


        public static void ShutdownComputer()


            Process.Start("shutdown", "-s -t 60");

            Speaker.Speak("closing the computer");



        public static void CancelShutdown()


            Process.Start("shutdown", "-a");




        public static void RestartComputer()


            Process.Start("shutdown", "-r -t 60");

            Speaker.Speak("restarting the computer");






Other requirements:

I only want these all extra tasks to be added to the existing program. I don’t want separate programs for each task please.

Requirement: I would like after completing the order to make a video showing, you asking the character (Haptek) questions and the character responding correctly with no errors same as shown on YouTube video. I want the video to be sent to me before I make the full payment of the order just to make sure that program is working as required. 

Another query that would like to be done is to give me a guide, about how to install the speech recognition correctly on the program. I want you to explain me how did you solve all the problems I placed here in order to allow me solve them when you give me the solution.

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