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Assembly Programming

The operatives know that the bad guys have sophisticated methods of intercepting coded messages. To throw the bad guys off, the operatives have sent you an email with a long hexadecimal array.


Covert operatives in a far-away hostile land have a secret message for you to decode…

The operatives know that the bad guys have sophisticated methods of intercepting coded messages. To throw the bad guys off, the operatives have sent you an email with a long hexadecimal array. This email was encoded, but  it is assumed that the bad guys have the array. Your secret message is in the array, but to decode the message, one also needs the worded algorithm to extract the hidden information. The bad guys do not know this critical piece of the puzzle!

In addition, the secret message is an ‘Easter Egg’… The coded phrase is a person, place or thing that has something to do with the History of Silicon Valley; which is an important part of the project!


Assembly language is to be used to decode the secret message. You will be provided with a unique 1024 element array under separate email. You will also be provided the method to decode the secret message in words and descriptions. This information is sufficient to crack the coded matrix. Luckily, you can just paste this huge matrix into your own assembly language file.


Each array is unique and has its own decode method as well as a unique secret message. You are given this task in great secrecy and working in groups is not permitted. You are, of course, allowed to ask questions and seek advice from the professor.

Think of an overall approach to solving the problem and then try to formulate it into a working flowchart. Then split off the tasks of the overall working solution into subroutines using the knowledge you gained this semester.

Use breakpoints to your advantage while troubleshooting. Create subroutines to make your coding more manageable and modular. Creating breakpoints before and after subroutines allows you to “see” if the subroutine is doing its job based on the inputs and outputs you have defined.

Utilize your programming laminate to ease the transition between the flowchart and the actualization of the assembly code and syntax.

The following requirements are necessary for this project:


  1. Each line of assembly language must be commented

  2. A main comment block at the top of the code is required

    1. It must contain your name, date, and purpose of the project

    2. It must be descriptive enough to convey this information to someone other than yourself

  3. Each subroutine / ISR must also have a comment block

    1. It must describe the subroutines purpose

    2. It must define its required inputs and outputs

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