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C Programming

The questions and answers are in a file. The file is provided as a command line argument to the application.


Quiz Night Game Engine



  1. The questions and answers are in a file. The file is provided as a command line argument to the application.

  2. In the question and answer file each line has a question and its answer. The answers are always one word.

  3. The question always ends in ‘?’ then there is a space and following that the answer. For example:

What is the capital of France? Paris

  1. The application takes a second command line argument, a number <10 that represents the difficulty level.

    The program should:

  • at the start

    • load the questions and answers from the file

    • print out the number of questions in the quiz


  • start asking questions

  • for each question, display a clue (if available, see below); the user has one attempt only, and the program is case insensitive (accepts both lower and upper case answers)

  • after each question display the number of questions asked and the number of correctly answered

   questions so far. Example:   

      Score: 5/7


  • at the end store the results in a file quiz_history.txt by appending to the file one line containing:

  • name of the quiz file

  • number of questions answered correctly

  • total number of questions

  • difficulty level


Questions and clues

The following difficulty levels should be supported:

  1. No clue is given and only a ‘?’ is shown. Example:

What is the capital of France?

  1. A set of blank dashes separated by spaces is displayed, one for every letter in the answer. Example:

What is the capital of France?

  1. A The first and the last letters are shown. Example:

What is the capital of France?

P - - - S

  1. Two random letters from the answer are shown in their correct position. Example

What is the capital of France?

P - R - -

  1. All letters are shown but in random order. Example:

What is the capital of France?



  • you do not know in advance how many questions are in the file; it is recommended to use a dynamic data structure to store questions as they are read

Basic Functionality Marking                     70%

  • processing command line parameters (5)

  • file name

  • difficulty level

  • reading questions from file

  • opening the file and reading from the file (5)

  • separating questions from answers (5)

  • storing a question and its answer (5)

  • storing all the questions in a list (10)

  • print out number of questions in the quiz             (3)

  • display a question (3)

  • take in the user’s word and compare it with the question answer

  • reading word from the user (3)

  • case insensitive comparison (2)

  • display a clue based on the difficulty level:

  • level 1, 2, 3, 4             (4 * 5 marks) 

  • write the results to file (6)

  • keep track of the number of correctly answered questions (3)

Advanced marking                                         (30%)

  • The questions are asked in random order             (10)

  • Display a clue based on the difficulty level 5            (10)

  • Difficulty level 6. The type of clue is randomly selected from the 5 types listed above. (5)

  • Store the status (correct/incorrect) of all the questions. When the quiz is complete the user is asked if

they want to view the correct answers to the questions that were wrong.                         (5)

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