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Java Programming

Together, computer hardware and software accomplish three major operations. Which one of the following does not represent one of these major operations



Providing evidence-based on valid and referenced academic sources is a fundamental educational principle and the cornerstone of high‐ quality academic work. Hence, The IIE considers it essential to develop the referencing skills of our students in our commitment to achieve high academic standards. Part of achieving these high standards is referencing in a way that is consistent, technically correct and congruent. This is not plagiarism, which is handled differently.

Poor quality formatting in your references will result in a penalty of a maximum of ten percent being deducted from the percentage awarded, according to the following guidelines. Please note, however, that evidence of plagiarism in the form of copied or uncited work (not referenced), absent reference lists, or exceptionally poor referencing, may result in action being taken in accordance with The IIE’s Intellectual Integrity Policy (0023).

Markers are required to provide feedback to students by indicating (circling/underlining) the information that best describes the student’s work.

 Minor technical referencing errors: 5% deduction from the overall percentage – the student’s work contains five or more errors listed in the minor errors column in the table below.

Major technical referencing errors: 10% deduction from the overall percentage – the student’s work contains five or more errors listed in the major errors column in the table below.

 If both minor and major errors are indicated, then 10% only (and not 5% or 15%) is deducted from the overall percentage. The examples provided below are not exhaustive but are provided to illustrate the error



Technically correct referencing style

Minor errors in technical correctness of referencing style

Deduct 5% from percentage awarded

Major errors in technical correctness of referencing style

Deduct 10% from percentage awarded



·  The same referencing format has been used for all in‐text references and in the bibliography/reference list.

Minor inconsistencies.

·  The referencing style is generally consistent, but there are one or two changes in the format of in‐text referencing and/or in the bibliography.

·  For example, page numbers for direct quotes (in‐text) have been provided for one source, but not in another instance. Two book chapters (bibliography) have been referenced in the bibliography in

two different formats.

Major inconsistencies.

·   Poor and inconsistent referencing style used in‐ text and/or in the bibliography/ reference list.

·   Multiple formats for the same type of referencing have been used.

·   For example, the format for direct quotes (in‐text) and/or book chapters (bibliography/ reference list) is different across multiple instances.

Technical correctness


·  Referencing format is technically correct throughout the submission.


·  Position of the reference: a reference is directly associated with every concept or idea.


·  For example, quotation marks, page numbers, years, etc. are applied correctly, sources in the bibliography/reference list are correctly presented.

Generally, technically correct with some minor errors.

·  The correct referencing format has been consistently used, but there are one or two errors.

·  Concepts and ideas are typically referenced, but a reference is missing from one small section of the work.

·  Position of the references: references are only given at the beginning or end of every paragraph.

·  For example, the student has incorrectly presented direct quotes (in‐text) and/or book chapters (bibliography/reference list).

Technically incorrect.

·    The referencing format is incorrect.

·   Concepts and ideas are typically referenced, but a reference is missing from small sections of the work.

·   Position of the references: references are only given at the beginning or end of large sections of work.

·   For example, incorrect author information is provided, no year of publication is provided, quotation marks and/or page numbers for direct quotes missing, page numbers are provided for paraphrased material, the incorrect punctuation is used (in‐text); the bibliography/reference list is not in alphabetical order, the incorrect format for a book chapter/journal article is used, information is missing e.g. no place of publication had been

provided (bibliography); repeated sources on the reference list.

Congruence between in‐text referencing and bibliography/ reference list


·  All sources are accurately reflected and are all accurately included in the bibliography/ reference list.

Generally, congruence between the in‐text referencing and the bibliography/ reference list with one or two errors.

·  There is largely a match between the sources presented in‐text and the bibliography.

·  For example, a source appears in the text, but not in the bibliography/ reference list or vice versa.

A lack of congruence between the in‐text referencing and the bibliography.

·   No relationship/several incongruencies between the in‐text referencing and the bibliography/reference list.

·   For example, sources are included in‐text, but not in the bibliography and vice versa, a link, rather than the actual reference is provided in the bibliography.

In summary: the recording of references is accurate and complete.

In summary, at least 80% of the sources are correctly reflected and included in a reference list.

In summary, at least 60% of the sources are incorrectly reflected and/or not included in reference list.

Overall Feedback about the consistency, technical correctness and congruence between in‐text referencing and bibliography:

Question 1                                                                                                                                                (Marks: 5)

Multiple‐choice questions: Select one correct answer for each of the following. In your answer booklet, write down only the number of the question and next to it, the number of the correct




Together, computer hardware and software accomplish three major operations.

Which one of the following does not represent one of these major operations?




















None of the options provided.






The stage in the programme development cycle concerned with understanding the

needs of the users of a system is named                              .




Understanding the problem;




Planning the logic;




Coding the programme;




Testing the programme;




Maintaining the programme.






Which one of the following does not represent one of the two broad datatypes

supported by programming languages?
















All of the options provided;




None of the options provided.







Programming logic structures include:




















(1), (2) and (3) only.






If j <= k is true, then:




j can be less than k;




j can be equal to k;




j will always be less than or equal to k;




k is less than j;




(1), (2) and (3) only.




Question 2                                                                                                                                             (Marks: 30)



Consider each description below, then write the pseudocode statement that will

accomplish the task required.




A computer application needs to display the sentence ‘I will survive’ on

the screen when executed.




A computer application needs to assign a value entered by a user to a

variable called myValue.




A computer application needs to multiply the values 3 and 4 and assign

the result of the calculation to a variable called product.




Consider the flowchart below, then explain the logic presented in the flowchart with particular reference to the variables declared and the content of the variables.




Consider the following flowchart, then state whether it represents a structured solution or not. Motivate your answer by referring to any three characteristics of structured solutions.




By using examples differentiate between a single‐alternative and a dual‐

alternative if statement.




Question 3                                                                                                                                            (Marks: 10)

Read the following scenario, then answer the question that follows:

“An application requires a user to enter two numbers. Once the user has entered the two numbers, the application will call a module to calculate the average of the two numbers. Once the average of the two numbers have been calculated, another module will be called to determine if the average of the two numbers is greater than 75. If the average of the two numbers is greater

than 75, the message ‘Congratulations, you are in the top 5’, will be displayed.”



Write the pseudocode that will adequately represent the logic contained in the






Answer all questions within this section.



List any two conventions for naming a variable, also indicate the one you prefer

over the other and motivate why.







Redraw and complete the truth table below for each of the logical operators.











true OR false


false OR false


true AND false


true and true


NOT false




Question 5                                                                                                                                                (Marks: 5)



Evaluate the JAVA code snippet below, then motivate why this is representative of



good programming practices or not.




public class pattern{



public static void main(string[] args){



int rows = 5;



for(int i = 1; i <= rows; ++i){



for(int j=1;j<=I;++j){


















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