A function is a group of statements that exist within a program to perform a specific task. The goal of both functions is to break up code into smaller pieces. By doing so, programs are easier to read and debug. This also can be beneficial for when code needs to be written multiple times within a program.
Tommy’s Totally Terrific Teas needs an application that calculates the final price for their fabulous teas. All tea drinks are the same cost so all prices are based on the size of tea ordered.
Your task is to create a program that displays the price of the tea ordered and calculates total final price including sales tax.
1. Pseudocode containing:
a. A main function that displays a menu of choices. Menu choices are:
C: Calculate price for tea
D: Display tea price information X: Exit application
The menu will display until the user enters X to exit the application.
b. A function named DisplayInfo that displays tea prices (see output example below). This function accepts zero arguments and does not return any values.
c. A function named CalculateTotal that asks for the size of tea ((S)mall, (M)edium, (L)arge, (J)umbo). This function accepts zero arguments and returns a single value. The value returned is the cost for the selected tea size.
d. A function named TaxAmount. This function accepts an argument named subtotal and returns sales tax amount (subtotal * .06).
2. Program written in Python containing:
a. A main function that displays a menu of choices. Menu choices are:
C: Calculate price for tea
D: Display tea price information X: Exit application
The menu will display until the user enters X to exit the application.
b. A function named DisplayInfo that displays tea prices (see output example below). This function accepts zero arguments and does not return any values.
c. A function named CalculateTotal that asks for the size of tea ((S)mall, (M)edium, (L)arge, (J)umbo). This function accepts zero arguments and returns a single value. The value returned is the cost for the selected tea size.
Tea prices for each size: Small Tea: $2.99 Medium Tea: $3.59 Large Tea: $4.09 Jumbo Tea: $4.99
d. A function named TaxAmount. This function accepts an argument named subtotal and returns sales tax (subtotal * .06).
e. Program includes inline documentation about each section. For example, # declare and initialize variables.
f. Program is saved as Program5.py
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