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What aspect of the course (reading, activity, other) has been most helpful so far?


Q1Please review the devotional slide and notes, and then answer the following questions:

1. What aspect of the course (reading, activity, other) has been most helpful so far?

2. What aspect of the course has been most challenging so far?

3. If you could ask the instructor to do one thing (or two ...) to improve the course, what would that be?

(150 words)


Q2. Explain why a t test that does not result in a finding of statistical significance may still produce a finding that is useful for a practitioner. Provide an example.

(150 -200 words)


Q3. Article Reflection 

Review the Article Review and Reflection assignment questions (Word document) before reading the Mwoma (2017) article so that your reading is efficient. Respond to the questions within the Word document and submit your responses here.


Q4. SPSS Tutorials for Independent t Test & ANOVA (5pts)

Watch each of the following videos (access by clicking on the name) created by Dr. Eileen Edejer from Loyola University Chicago, and run the analyses she demonstrates on your own computer. Note that the Invisibility and aschooltest datasets referenced by Dr. Edejer are included here so you can follow along. Copy the Output from each video and paste it into a Word document that includes headings associated with each of the videos. For example, your first heading should include a "Independent Samples t Test" heading followed by the output that Dr. Edejer demonstrates running. Submit the Word document with all of the labeled SPSS output  to complete this exercise.



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