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Applied Statistics

What is the measurement level of this variable?


We are grateful that you have chosen to apply for one of our Master’s programmes. Part of the application process is an online assessment regarding methods and statistics. In this letter we will explain in more detail what this assessment entails. On the next page, you will find the test instructions. Please note that we will not be able to proceed the application process until we have received the results.



Sufficient knowledge regarding methods and statistics is essential to successfully participate in our Master’s programme. For example, without this knowledge it will be very difficult to write your Master’s thesis. Therefore, it is important to assess the current knowledge of an applicant.



Your results of this assessment solely will not be the basis for acceptance or rejection. In addition to the assessment, the Admissions Committee will review the syllabi of the undergraduate courses in methods and statistics you have taken. The Committee will use both in order to determine if you have the required knowledge and skills.


If you do well on the assessment, this will have a positive contribution in the review of your application file. If you don’t perform well, the Committee will still seriously review the course syllabi.



The assessment has two parts:

1) Introductory statistics: this part will assess your knowledge that is generally part of introductory courses, such as population and samples, descriptive statistics, t-test, correlation, simple regression, validity, reliability, etc.

2) More advanced statistics: you choose 1 of 3 modules (choose the option that best fits your prior knowledge):

a) multiple linear regression and logistic regression

b) analysis of variance and covariance, repeated measures and mixed design.

c) a selection of questions from both a and b


All questions are either multiple choice or statements that can either be true or false. On page 3 of this document, you can find three sample questions. Are you curious to see what the assessment environment looks like? Via https://uu.remindotoetsdemo.nl you can start a demo test (Demotest Introduction Remindo) with questions about Utrecht University. It gives you a preview of the examination environment.



After completing the assessment, you will immediately see the number of questions you have answered correctly. Please note (again) that this score does not mean you are accepted or rejected.


5) TEST INSTRUCTIONS: see next page



Because knowledge regarding methods and statistics is so essential to this Master’s programme, it is important that we use an evidence-based and up-to-date method of assessing the knowledge of an applicant. For this purpose, it is crucial to verify how participants perform within the Master’s programme if they are accepted. Therefore, the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences may merge the results of this assessment with performance indicators (such as grades) within the

Master’s programme. Once this data is merged, all data will be anonymized, and kept on a secure server for no longer than 5 years. Only the developers of the assessment will have access to this data. The data will only be used to further develop and improve this assessment. If you have any questions, please contact graduateadmissions.sbs@uu.nl.


Test instructions

The assessment will be available until 16 April 2023, but we kindly ask you to do this as soon as possible. We will not be able to proceed the application process until we have received the results. Once you have started the test, you have 80 minutes to complete the assessment.



1) You will receive an email with log in details for the test environment.

2) Go to https://remindo.uu.nl/login and choose log in with solis-ID Universiteit Utrecht

3) Log in with your solis-ID.

4) Once logged in, you can change the language setting in the upper right corner via  

5) The assessment is visible under Test Overview (available this Wednesday or Friday)

6) To start the assessment, click the play-icon next to the name of the exam to open the exam and click ‘Start exam’. Once you have started, you have to complete the assessment in 80 minutes. It is not possible to stop and to continue later.


TIPS FOR MAKING THE ASSESSMENT (The numbers on the screenshot correspond to those on the list below)

1. Time: During the assessment the remaining time is shown. If you do not wish to see this, click the clock icon. When the remaining time is 10 minutes and when it is 5 minutes, the time will be shown again automatically. You have 80 minutes to complete the assessment.


2. Saving questions: After you are done answering a question, click the button ‘Save and continue’ to save your answer and move on to the next question.


3. Return to previous questions: You can always return to previous questions. You can click the squares with numbers underneath the questions. Answered questions have black squares, unanswered questions have grey squares.


4. Marking questions: It is possible to highlight questions to return to them later. To do this, click ‘Flag this question’ in the bottom left corner of the screen. A star symbol will appear on the square of a marked question.


5. Finishing the assessment: When you have answered all the questions, your screen will change to: ‘Finish [name exam]’. If you have marked any questions, you will get a notification. You can go back to the questions or you can finish the assessment by clicking ‘Finish’.

Should you wish to finish the assessment leaving questions unanswered, click the red button

‘Close’ in the left bottom corner. You will get a notification related to unanswered and marked questions. You can still go back to these questions. Click ‘Finish’ if you want to finish and exit the assessment.

Please note! If you finish the exam by clicking ‘Finish’, it is no longer possible to go back to the questions to change your answers.


SAMPLE QUESTIONS Question 1 The variable test score can take four values: fail, satisfactory, good, and excellent. What is the measurement level of this variable? Continuous Ordinal Binary Nominal Question 2 In a linear regression model the predictor condition has four categories and the predictor age has has two categories. How many dummy variables do you need in total to include both predictors? Question 3 A researcher has assigned participants of an experiment to two conditions, a control condition (C) and an experimental condition (E). The researcher also assesses the effect of the conditions for participants with a low, medium and high educational level seperately. The results of the researcher are shown in the graph below.


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