The American Heart Association dietary guidelines for healthy American adults recommend a diet that contains no more than 30% of Calories from fats and that the composition of those fats be <10% of calories from saturated fatty acids (SFA), up to 10% from polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), and as much as 15% from monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA).
1) What percent of American adults (20 or older) consume less than 30% of their Calories from all fats?
2) What percent of American adults (20 or older) consume <10% of Calories from SFA?
3) What percent of American adults (20 or older) consume 10% or fewer of Calories from PUFAs?
4) What percent of American adults (20 or older) consume no more than 15% of their Calories from MUFAs?
5) What percent of American adults (20 or older) have done all 4?
6) Construct a descriptive table by sex of adults (20 or older) showing each of these indicators
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