Task 1: Freezing Top Row and Explore Data Set
1.1 : Familiarize Yourself with the Dataset
When you open up the Excel file for this assignment, you will see the worksheet with the tab labeled “Main Data Set” in the lower-left corner of the screen. The data set provided is a set of select variables from the 2018 County Health Rankings for all counties in Oregon and nearly all counties in Idaho. The MS Excel file containing this dataset is linked in the Mod 2 folder in the course site on Canvas. Please download this file now, if you have not done so already.
When you open the data set in Excel, you will see Row 1 consisting of headings, with Rows 2-80 containing county-specific data from Idaho and Oregon. Columns A-P are populated with data, and you will need to populate Columns Q and R by calculating new variables by following the instructions provided below. All data is for 2018.
Below is a summary of the data included in Columns A-P:
A. County FIPS Code. This is a unique number assigned to each county in the United States by the U.S. Census Bureau.
B. State. The state in which the county is located.
C. County. The name of the county.
D. Population. The population of the county in 2018.
E. % of population over the age of 65. The percentage of county residents over the age of 65 in 2018.
F. % of residents living in rural areas. The percentage of county residents living in a rural area in 2018, which the U.S. Census Bureau defines as non-urban areas with fewer than 2,500 inhabitants.
G. Median household income. The median household income in the county in 2018.
H. Health costs per capita. This is the average amount of total health expenditures per person in the county in 2018.
I. % of adults in fair/poor health. This is the percentage of individuals who reported being in “fair” or “poor” health, age-adjusted. As with many of these variables, this is based on surveys of a representative sample of county residents.
J. % of adult smokers. Percentage of adults who are current smokers.
K. % of adults who are physically inactive. This is the percentage of adults age 20 and older reporting no leisure-time physical activity.
L. % with access to exercise opportunities. This is the percentage of the population with access to adequate exercise opportunities.
M. % with limited access to healthy food. Percentage of the population who are low-income and do not live close to a grocery store.
N. % of uninsured. Percentage of population under the age of 65 who lack health insurance (both children and adults under age 65).
O. Number of primary care physicians. Number of primary care physicians (MDs, DOs,) practicing in the county.
P. Number of other primary care providers. Number of non-physician practitioners providing primary care, including physician assistants (PAs), nurse practitioners (NPs), and clinical nurse specialists.
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