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C Programming

Write Unix commands to perform the following tasks


CSI 1420 Intro to C Programming & Unix Fall 2018, CRN 44882, Oakland University Homework Assignment #2 – Unix Text Processing and Permissions Due: Friday, October 12, 2018 Total Points: 40 


This assignment will test the student’s ability to perform the following: 

  1. i) to use Unix utilities for text extraction and processing ii) to effectively use input/output redirection and pipelines in Unix. iii) to understand and change permission setting of files and directories in Unix file system. 


  1. You will have to turn in your homework in a TEXT file. Submission in any other file format (e.g. 

.docx or .rtf) will not be accepted. 

  1. In the first line of the text file you submit, write the course number the homework number and 

your full name. 

  1. In the following lines, write down your answers to the following question. The answer to each 

question should start in a new paragraph and under an appropriate heading(e.g. "Solution to Question 1" or "Answer 1") 


Question 0. (Wildcards, 6 points) Write Unix commands to perform the following tasks. 

  1. i) (2 points) List all file names in the current working directory that start with either “p” or “P” 

(both uppercase and lowercase letters) 

  1. ii) (2 points) List all file names in the current working directory that end with an “e” followed 

by any single character 

iii) (2 points) List all file names in the current working directory that contain at least one 

numeric character (0-9) 

Question 1. (Text Processing, redirection and pipelines, 15 points) Write Unix commands to perform the following tasks. Each task must use exactly one line of command. Unless stated otherwise, all files are assumed to be at your current working directory. 

  1. i) (2 points) Print your current working directory into a file named file1 
  2. ii) (2 points) Assume that your current working directory is NOT the same as your home 

directory. Print all file and subdirectory names of your home directory into a file named file2. 

iii) (5 points) Copy the text from line 11 to line 20 of a given file input.txt and append the 

copied text at the end of the file output.txt. (Assume that the file input.txt contains more than 20 lines of text contents0 

  1. iv) (3 points) Count and display the total number of words in ALL files in the current working 

directory that have .txt extension 

  1. v) (3 points) Count the number of lines where the word “foo” appears in a given file bar.txt 

Question 2. (File Permissions, 15 points) Consider the following output of the ls command in a given Unix directory: 

-rw-r----- 1 mollah domain users 16 Oct 12 2018 bar 

-rw-r----- 1 mollah domain users 225 Oct 12 2018 baz 

-rw-r----- 1 mollah domain users 589 Oct 12 2018 foo 

You are asked to manipulate the permissions settings of the three files in such a way, that the ls command output after the change of permission looks as follows: 

-rwxr-xr-x 1 mollah domain users 16 Oct 12 2018 bar 

-r-------- 1 mollah domain users 225 Oct 12 2018 baz 

-rwxr--r-- 1 mollah domain users 589 Oct 12 2018 foo 

Write down the Unix commands that would make such change. There should be one line of command for each of the files (bar, baz and foo), three lines in total. 

Question 3. (Directory Permissions, 4 points) 

  1. i) Name a command that would not produce the desired outcome if its argument directory 

does not have execute permission. 

  1. ii) Name a command that would not produce the desired outcome if its argument directory 

does not have read permission.

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