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C++ Programming

Write a function that takes a pointer to an array of integers and return a pointer to a dynamically created array that contains all numbers but in reverse order


CMP 220L – Programming II
1D and 2D dynamic arrays with file I/O

LAB 2 

Question 1: (1D Dynamic Array) 

Write a function that takes a pointer to an array of integers and return a pointer to a dynamically created array that contains all numbers but in reverse order.

int* reverse(int *values, int size); 

Write a main program to test your function, you should ask the user for the size, create an array and read it from the user and then print it back in reverse with the help of your function.

Question 2: (2D Dynamic arrays)

Write the following function: 

double sumNegatives(double **arr,int rows,int cols);

The function should return the sum of all negative numbers that are stored in the 2D array arr which consists of rows rows each with cols columns. 

 In the main, create a dynamic 2D array of doubles (where number of rows and columns to be read from the user) then ask the user for the array content and finally print the sum of all negative numbers with the help of the  sumNegatives  function. 

A sample output is given below:

Question 3: (File I/O with 1D dynamic arrays)

An input file is formatted as follows: the first number is the number n of values in the text file, followed by n numerical values.

Write a C++ program that reads the contents of the file save it into an array, finds the summation, maximum and minimum of the n values, and finally print the elements in reverse order. The program will print its findings to an output file named output.txt.

Sample input and output files are given below:

Question 4: (File I/O with 2D dynamic arrays)

You have the following file format: 


40854 60 71 59

50415 70 78 85

60634 98 98 99

where the first value is the number of students, followed by students information (lines).

each line is consists of the following information: the student id ( int), the grade for the first midterm, the grade for the second midterm and the grade for the final midterm. 

Assume all grades are out of 100 and of type int. 

Write a program to read the file and save the content in a 2D array, where each row is representing a student. And then print to the user the id and the average grade for every student.

The average grade is 0.25*mid1_grade + 0.25*mid2_grade+0.5*final_grade.

Note: Your program should work with any number of students. 

A sample output is given below:

Good Luck ☺ 

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