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Write a narrative summary of the analysis in APA format, including all the pertinent statistical information


USE JASP for the assignment This dataset includes variables describing race (Arab/Caucasian), sex (male/female) and the number of times participants reported being searched at an airport before the events of 9/11 (pre) and after 9/11 (post).

The (mixed) model you will be asked to test will treat race as the between-subjects factor (or IV), and airport searches before (pre) and after (post) 9/11 as the within-subjects factor. Thus, you will be running a 2 x 2 mixed factorial ANOVA. Please conduct the following steps and comment on the output. 1. Screen the airport search data (the pre and post variables) for normality and outliers.

Make sure to break the analysis down by race (Arab/Caucasian). There is no need to adjust for any violations you identify, but describe anything interesting you observe.

2a. Conduct a 2 (race: Arab/Caucasian) x 2 (time: pre/post) mixed factor ANOVA with race as the between-subjects factor and time as the within-subjects factor, with all needed options for assumptions check and plotting the results. 2b. If necessary (i.e. if the interaction is significant), conduct a simple effects analysis to aid in your interpretation of the interaction effect. This will examine changes in pre/post 9/11 airport searches separately for Arab and Caucasian participants.

3. Annotate the output with interpretation of the two main effects (pre/post searches and race) and the interaction and simple effects analysis.

4. Write a narrative summary of the analysis in APA format, including all the pertinent statistical information as if you were writing this for a research manuscript. Be sure to include statistical evidence (e.g., F values, p values, effect sizes) and any mean values to make the results clear to someone who may not have seen or have access to the output. Double check the work if you have completed the following screen data/comments conduction 2x2 mixed factor ANOVA Simple affect analysis APA style narrative summary


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