Python stream programming labs
Using data structures to hold different types of information.
(based on the data structures lecture material).
Welcome to the Data Structures lab. The tasks in the lab will focus on using different types of data structures, ranging from strings to lists, tuples and dictionaries.
Write a program that creates the string object:
testString1 = ‘This is a test string’
Access individual characters in the string to display the following to the screen:
Next, check if the character “h” is included in the phrase “this is a test string” and display the result to the screen in the form of the following sentence:
It is True that h is included in This is a test string
The values in blue should be supplied by the program.
Write a program that creates four string objects:
testString2 = ‘the python standard library’
testString3 = ‘hello’
testString4 = ‘hello everyone’
testString5 = testString5 = 'hello everyone here and everyone watching on TV'
Now test if testString2 ends with the characters ‘ry’. Output the result in a sentence in the form below with the values in blue supplied by the program:
It is True that the python standard library ends with ry
Now test if testString3 and testString4 contain only characters from the alphabet. Ouput the results in two sentences in the form below with the values in blue supplied by the program
It is True that hello contains all alphabetic characters
Now take testString4 and testString5 and replace the word ‘everyone’ with ‘you people’ using an appropriate built-in string method. You should output
hello you people
hello you people here and you people watching on TV
Now take testString5 and replace the first word ‘everyone’ with ‘you people’ using an appropriate built-in string method, but this time leave the second ‘everyone’ in testString5 the same. You should output
hello you people here and everyone watching on TV
Task 3:
Task 4
Write a program that creates a list object. The list should have nine different items (coffee, tea, sugar, milk, rice, carrots, cabbage, basil, parsley).
Display to the screen:
The length of the list
The list in reverse order
The list in alphabetical order.
You release you have forgotten to add fruit to the list. Insert three different types of fruit between the milk and the parsley on the alphabetically sorted list.
You realise that you have enough coffee and tea. Replace the coffee and tea with pasta and beans respectively.
Re-sort the list alphabetically and display the final list to the screen.
Your output should take the following form:
['coffee', 'tea', 'sugar', 'milk', 'rice', 'carrots', 'cabbage', 'basil', 'parsley']
The shopping list is 9 items long
The list in reverse order is ['parsley', 'basil', 'cabbage', 'carrots', 'rice', 'milk', 'sugar', 'tea', 'coffee']
['basil', 'cabbage', 'carrots', 'coffee', 'milk', 'parsley', 'rice', 'sugar', 'tea']
['basil', 'cabbage', 'carrots', 'coffee', 'milk', 'oranges', 'apples', 'bananas', 'parsley', 'rice', 'sugar', 'tea']
['basil', 'cabbage', 'carrots', 'pasta', 'milk', 'oranges', 'apples', 'bananas', 'parsley', 'rice', 'sugar', 'beans']
['apples', 'bananas', 'basil', 'beans', 'cabbage', 'carrots', 'milk', 'oranges', 'parsley', 'pasta', 'rice', 'sugar']
A company has asked an employee to submit the kilometres they have undertaken on behalf of the company over the last month in order that they can claim their expenses. The company will pay their employee 40 pence per mile, so you should first convert the employees list given in km, to miles before calculating the cost.
Create a list object to hold the mileage covered on different trips:
employee1 = [35, 54, 200, 37, 45, 67]
The program should produce a new list for the employee that shows the amount that will be repaid for each journey. The program should also calculate the total cost for all the journeys. The output to the screen should look like:
Employee1 list in cost is [8.7, 13.42, 49.71, 9.2, 11.18, 16.65]
Final cost is 108.86
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