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Write a simple user defined function that greets a person in such a way that


MODULE 5 LOOPS and Functions

Please implement Python coding for all the problems.


1. A) list1=[1,5.5,(10+20j),’data science’].. Print default functions and parameters exists in list1.

B) How do we create a sequence of numbers in Python.

C)  Read the input from keyboard and print a sequence of numbers up to that number


2. Create 2 lists.. one list contains 10 numbers (list1=[0,1,2,3....9]) and other 

list contains words of those 10 numbers (list2=['zero','one','two',.... ,'nine']).

 Create a dictionary such that list2 are keys and list 1 are values..


3. Consider a list1 [3,4,5,6,7,8]. Create a new list2 such that Add 10 to the even number and multiply with 5 if it is odd number in the list1..


       4.     Write a simple user defined function that greets a person in such a way that :

             i) It should accept both name of person and message you want to deliver.

              ii) If no message is provided, it should greet a default message ‘How are you’

           Ex: Hello ---xxxx---, How are you  - default message.

            Ex: Hello ---xxxx---, --xx your message xx---



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