1. For your final paper, you are required to carry out an empirical project on a topic of your choosing using a method other than cross section analysis.
2. The length of the body of the paper is required to be 1,000 to 2,000 words, not including the abstract and bibliography. It should be double-spaced and submitted in MS Word format. You are encouraged to include charts and/or tables, each with its own title and caption. The TAs and instructors are available to discuss your paper during office hours, but not by email. They will not read your paper before submission.
3. You can pursue any topic of interest, but you must make sure there is data available, and get your topic and data plan, including some example data, approved before you start fully developing it. It is important to know your topic is manageable so you can finish it on time. Submit your selected topic, and notes on data availability with some example data, to the appropriate blackboard folder by Sunday, April 4 at 11:00 pm for approval, and 0.5 homework points. You are encouraged to submit before the deadline, and receive early review and approval. Note that once your topic and data plan is approved, you are free to change your topic and/or data plan at any time without additional approval, while keeping your approved plan in reserve to return to if necessary. Also note that you should plan on investigating a causal effect of interest, and that your investigation should certainly contain more than one right-hand-side variable, most likely including a variety of control variables.
4. The main goal of this project is to encourage students to formulate a clear and researchable economic inquiry and testable hypothesis, review a few related literature findings that you would reference, identify data sources and appropriate processes of data analysis, carry out the relevant empirical analysis, and write the paper.
5. The basic outline will be as follows:
• First the title, abstract and introduction part of your paper. It should introduce the issue and how it matters in contemporary life. In this section of your project, you should discuss the background of your research problem as to why it is important and also clearly define the purpose/aim/objective of your chosen topic.
• Next you should discuss what type of data is required. How it is collected? From which sources it will be gathered? Why this particular information is needed in your research? And present some descriptive statistics of your gathered data (i.e., graphs, tables, means, variance etc.) [Possible section titles: Data or Data and Variable Description]
• Next you should discuss what type of data analysis is appropriate. You are required to use a method other than cross-section analysis. Why is this particular method needed for your research? What variables will you include? What are you testing by using this model/method? You should explain what kind of data transformation or changes have been used before the data analysis? Why were these transformations needed? What is the purpose of using a particular data or transformed data in line with your paper’s objectives? [Possible section titles: Methodology or Method of Data Analysis]
• Next you should discuss the findings of your analysis and answer the research topic that you selected to address. How is your result different or similar from previously done similar papers? What are some of the external and internal validity threats related to your paper? [Possible section titles: Results or Empirical Analysis]
• Finally, you should conclude the paper, and possibly offer thoughts for future research or thoughts about policy recommendation based on your findings. These are sometimes referred to as reflections on your research.
• References cited in the paper should follow standard modes of citation. You may make your own choice about which generally-recognized citation format to use.
• You are expected to use a software package that can produce the appropriate version of robust standard errors, so not excel, and use those robust standard errors in your paper.
• Your software code or evidence of software usage must be submitted in order to consider your submission complete and ready for grading.
Please Use either Panel or Time series if possible, do not use Cross sectional
R Studio to do the work,please provide the codes used, you can copy/paste them to a word document.
“In order to contribute to evidence that the code has been worked by the student, we will ask that each student, for each problem, start their coding with the line(s) of code below (depending on which software that you are using) to display the current directories at the start of their software session, before reading in or importing their data. Additionally, each student should include their initials ( which in my case its "GM" ) in the names of the variables or results object that they create.”
9 . Answer this question: Are cigarette smokers less productive? A variant on this is: Do workers who smoke take more sick days (everything else being equal)? Mullahy and Portney (1990) use individual-level data to evaluate this question. You could use data at, say, the metropolitan level. Something like average productivity in manufacturing can be related to percentage of manufacturing workers who smoke. Other variables, such as average worker education, capital per worker, and size of the city (you can think of more), should be controlled for.
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