You will use the dataset from the National Alzheimer Coordination Center (NACC) that was used in
exercise 1 but only for the first visit.
Perform the following within proc IML and provide a paper copy of your SAS code only.
1) Read only the following variables into a matrix called CG: NACZZMS, NACCLMI, NACCZLMD,
2) Using loops, replace the missing codes 99 and -99 for the following neuropsychological scores:
3) Calculate the mean of the scores: NACZZMS, NACCLMI, NACCZLMD and NACCDFT and name the
new variable “Cognition”
4) Identify the subjects who have mean cognitive score less than -1.5 (Note: SAS thinks that a missing
value is equal to –infinity)
5) Export the matrix of the row numbers of subjects from question 4 in a dataset called IMPAIRED.
6) Within IML, run a regression (proc REG) with the “Cognition” as the dependent variable and age as
the independent variable.
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