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Raptor Programming

You work as the night manager for a local grocery store chain. One of your duties includes to go to several store locations at closing time to collect cash and checks on hand at the end of the day.


The M15 Evaluate: Final Project covers content learned from Modules 2 through 14. In Module 11, you will submit a startup report for your final project. You are encouraged to submit any drafts of the program that you have created. The M11 Evaluate: Final Project Update is worth 20 points.

In Module 15, you will upload your completed M15 Evaluate: Final Project to the submission link on IvyLearn. You have until the assignment's due date in Module 15 to submit this project.  In this assessment, you will create a program using Raptor. To be able to receive maximum points, your Raptor programs must run with no errors. The M15 Evaluate Final Project is worth 20 points.

Your program will be in Raptor. Here is a description of the project:

Scenario: You work as the night manager for a local grocery store chain. One of your duties includes to go to several store locations at closing time to collect cash and checks on hand at the end of the day. After collecting, you must record how much money was collected from each store (in checks, bills, and coins), save the total in an array, and then calculate the grand total. You currently are counting by hand, using a simple calculator and recording this in a notebook.

After being in this SDEV120 course, you know that you can create a program to help you with this nightly task. You know that if this is successful, you can promote this to the other managers as well as other local stores that have chains, so you want to create proper documentation.

 Your M11 Evaluate: Final Project Update should do the following, using Microsoft Word:

  • Explain or describe the project in your own words.
  • Create a list of variables you will need to keep track of each item


Your M15 Evaluate: Final Project should do the following:

The Raptor program will do the following:

  • For each store:
    • Collect check amounts, if there are any available, and total them
    • Collect cash amounts (bills) by denominations ($100, $50, $20, $10, $5, $1), and total them)
    • Collect coin amounts by denomination (50¢, 25¢, 10¢, 5¢, 1¢), and total them
    • Display the total amount, including cash and checks
    • Repeat for each store
  • Display the grand total amount of checks, cash and coins collected from all stores
  • Incorporate defensive programming to make sure that the user is inputting valid data.
  • Use internal documentation (comments) and user-friendly outputs.
  • Use arrays for the different bill denominations, and for the different coin denominations.
  • Use an array to capture the totals for each store location. Use correctly nested loops to capture the totals from each store and then calculate the grand total collected from all stores. 

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