Q2 (10 points)
You work in the vegetables' section at the local grocery store. The store sells three vegetables - broccoli, onions and tomatoes.
The store manager updates the prices every morning. The cashier inputs the name of the item and the checkout computer display the
price. You, as the IT guy, have to write a program (using conditionals) that displays the price of the item typed in. The cashier
is a pretty careless dude and is not particular about capitalization and also makes frequent typos. Let's say, today's prices are
$1.70, $2.39 and $3.21 per pound for broccoli, onions and tomatoes respectively. Make sure the program is written for the general
case and the output is properly formatted.
Sample Output:
Enter the item being sold: BRoccoli
Price of broccoli is $1.70 per pound
Enter the item being sold: onIOns
Price of onions is $2.39 per pound
Enter the item being sold: cauliflower
Item not found
price_broccoli = 1.7
price_onions = 2.39
price_tomatoes = 3.21
in_str = input("Enter the item being sold:")
if in_str.lower() == 'broccoli':
print(f'Price of broccoli is ${price_broccoli:.2f} per pound')
elif in_str.lower() == 'onions':
print(f'Price of onions is ${price_onions:.2f} per pound')
elif in_str.lower() == 'tomatoes':
print(f'Price of onions is ${price_tomatoes:.2f} per pound')
print('Item not found')
Q3 (10 points)
One Monday morning, your manager at the grocery store asks you to write a program where he can input the daily price for the vegetables
every morning and get a print out in a nicely formatted fashion, as seen below.
Use the f-strings method for at least one of the print statements.
Sample Outputs:
What is price of broccoli today: 1
What is price of onions today: 1
What is price of tomatoes today: 1
Vegetable Price Table
Broccoli Onions Tomatoes
$1.00 $1.00 $1.00
What is price of broccoli today: 11.2
What is price of onions today: .56
What is price of tomatoes today: 39.3
Vegetable Price Table
Broccoli Onions Tomatoes
$11.20 $0.56 $39.30
price_broccoli = float(input('What is price of broccoli today:'))
price_onions = float(input('What is price of onions today:'))
price_tomatoes = float(input('What is price of tomatoes today:'))
print('\nVegetable Price Table')
print('Broccoli Onions Tomatoes')
Q4 (10 points)
Ask user for an angle theta (in degrees), and output the following trignometric calculation:
sin(theta) * sin(theta) + 6*tan(theta). Remember that the argument for trignometric function must be in radians
Answer should be in four decimal places.
Sample Output:
Enter the angle in degrees: 45
sin(theta) * sin(theta) + 6*tan(theta) = 6.5000
Enter the angle in degrees: 45.3
sin(theta) * sin(theta) + 6*tan(theta) = 6.5684
import math
theta = (math.pi/180) * float(input('Enter the angle in degrees:'))
print(f'sin(theta) * sin(theta) + 6*tan(theta) = {math.sin(theta)*math.sin(theta)+6*math.tan(theta):.4f}')
sin(theta) * sin(theta) + 6*tan(theta) = 6.5684
Q5 (10 points)
Ask the user for a starting and an ending integer and then output the square of all integers between them including the starting and
ending numbers. Use a for loop for this question. When trying out the code, be mindful that the output can get pretty long if the
difference between the two input integers is large. To get full credit, the numbers should be in one line separated by a comma and a
space and ending with a period.
Sample Output:
Enter the starting number: 3
Enter the end number 9
9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81.
Enter the starting number: 5
Enter the end number 16
25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100, 121, 144, 169, 196, 225, 256.
start_int = int(input('Enter the starting number:'))
end_int = int(input('Enter the end number'))
for i in range(start_int, end_int):
print(i*i, end = ', ')
print(end_int*end_int, end = '.')
25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100, 121, 144, 169, 196, 225, 256.
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