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Python Programming

Your program should create an output file where all of the output will be sent to


This is your course project program (your last program) which will require you to use all the elements, and structures you learned in this Python course.

Use meaningful variable and function names

Statements with Python operators as well as arithmetic relational and logical operators. 

Use if/else, if/elif/else statements

Use while/for loops

Use functions

Use file input and output

Use exception handlers


Program requirements:

1. Create an input file using notepad ( .txt ) or download and save my suggested files (score0.txt, score1.txt, score2.txt, score3.txt, score4.txt). When testing your program using different input files, you must first create those input files before executing the program, otherwise there will be syntax errors.

2. Your program should create an output file where all of the output will be sent to

3. In addition to File input/output (FIO), program must also include functions, loops (while, for), decisions (if/else) and exceptions (error checking for filenames, and numeric values for input, etc.) in your program.

a. Use except IOError to check for input data file exists and ready to be read

b. Use except ValueError to check for non-numeric input

c. Functions are short block of codes that perform a single task. Include sub functions besides main in your program. You are free to determine how many functions and their purposes (ideally, each function should only perform one task)

d. Use while or for loop to read and check for the “End of File” marker. Never read and process beyond the end of the data file.

e. Use if/else to determine whether a score is valid or invalid. Use if/elif/else to determine the appropriate letter grade assigned to a score

4. Input date file consists of scores (one per line), might contain no score at all (an empty file) and you may not assume how many scores are in the file before your program executes.

5. If file not empty, determine how many valid scores (0 to 100), and how many invalid scores (less than 0 or greater than 100); ignore any non-numeric inputs.

6. Take only the valid scores and determine what letter grade and keep track of how many As, Bs, Cs, Ds, and Fs.  

(90 to 100 is an A, 80 to 89 is a B, 70 to 79 is a C, 60 to 69 is a D, less than 60 is a F)

7. Write the statistic to an output file: the number of valid scores, the number of invalid scores, how many each letter grades, the highest valid score, the lowest valid score, and the average of the valid scores.

8. If the file is empty, don’t write any statistics at all. If the input file only has invalid scores, just write how many invalid scores and no valid scores, don’t include any statistics.

9. Test your program with difference cases/scenarios. 5 cases are provided for you.



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