How to Start An Analysis Essay? | Best Structure And Pattern


Are you required to write an analysis essay? Are you too struggling with how to start an analysis essay? This blog brings you everything you need to know before you start writing an analysis essay. We have narrowed all the points and broke them into pieces to make it more clear to you. 

What is Analysis Essay?

Before you start writing an analysis essay, you must know what you are expected to write about in it. And what is the purpose of writing it? 

As the name itself suggests, an analysis essay is written after deeply analyzing the subject. It needs opinions, arguments, and claims in it. And writers write an analysis essay to break down a topic into parts about a concept, an idea, or some book. The main purpose of this essay is to expand the reader’s knowledge.

Tips on How to Start Analysis Essay

If you are reading this blog to know how to write an analysis essay? Then these tips down below will surely help you.

1. Review The Literature

Before you start writing your opinion on it. Consider reading research that is already available about the subject. You can use the internet to get all the information about the topic. 

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2. Collect Ideas

After you thoroughly researched your subject. Make a list of possible topics you can write about. It is always best to select from a bunch of topics rather than just going with the one in the mind at first. 

3. Draw an Outline

After being done with choosing the best topic for your essay. You need to think of a way of writing it down on paper. Below in this blog, we have brought you an ideal structure for an analytical essay.

4. Jot Down Points

Once you outline, it is always the best approach to jot down all the points that can make your essay sound powerful. Spend a little time thinking about the valuable points that you can add to the essay.

5. Cross-Check Before Submitting

Before you submit your final work. Ensure that you added everything necessary. And also make sure that the essay is ambiguity-free without any grammatical errors. 


Not just an essay but any piece of writing needs a structure. Structure gives a well-defined meaning to the whole writing. One should always consider making an outline or a structure before directly jumping to writing.

The ideal structure of an analytical essay has three parts and five paragraphs.

Introduction: 1 Paragraph

Main Body: 3 paragraphs

Conclusion: 1 Paragraph


  • Start with a hook line.
  • You can also start with a sentence that makes the reader curious about the essay. 
  • Set foundation of the essay. 
  • Talk about the background.
  • Give hints about the purpose of the essay. And a little bit about your opinion. But don’t make it too long, just tell me about what you will be talking about further.
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Main Body

The main body should be suggestively three-paragraph long. Every paragraph should have a different argument. Follow the tips given below while writing each paragraph. 

  • You can start the paragraph with a topic that maintains your thesis while suggesting a little bit about your argument.
  • Now you need to prove your argument and every claim that you have made. With the help of examples, facts, and theories that support your argument.
  • After proving, slightly conclude every argument with the provable result.


While closing the essay, check for the points that you think are missing the essay. And eliminate everything unnecessary. Also, keep the below points in mind.

  • Do not add anything new in this paragraph.
  • Restate your essay, purpose, facts, and result.
  • Summarize the entire essay. 
  • Add a final opinion on what you have analyzed and came up with.

Students and experts both can use this structure for their papers. 

How to Start An Analysis Essay?

After you know the structure and pattern of the analytical essay. You might struggle with how to start an analysis essay? Well as we already discussed a bit about this earlier in the blog. But here is how you should start an analysis essay.

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An essay or any piece of writing starting with a quote always attracts the audience. You can also add a quote said by some famous people related to your field. 

Example: “a wise man once said…..”

This is how you can start your essay with a quote, you can also mention the name of the person if it is known.

Or you can start by asking a question. Like if in your analysis essay you’re going to talk about the average time one should use his phone. Below is an example of how you can do it.

Example: “Do you know how much time you should use your phone?”

This way your reader will be curious to know about how much time he should use his phone for his own health. Get our world class analysis essay writing services to clear all your doubts.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What makes an analysis essay strong?

It should be well-structured.
Every argument should go smoothly with each other.
The content should be logistic.
It should be to the point and convenient.

What are some topics to write an analytical essay on?

Gambling addiction and how to get rid of it.
Phobias and why do we have them?
Angry and happy moods. And why do we have different moods?
The chemical reaction of love.
How do good and bad dreams affect our mood?
How is social media affecting our daily life?
Why do people lie?
Music and love create the same reaction in the mind.

How to write an analysis?

Choose the perfect topic that suits your assignment and at the time interests you. And before writing an analytical essay consider outlining. Having an outline will give a well-formed structure to the essay. Add logic, facts, that support your argument. And conclude everything with a reasonable result. 

But before anything, do your complete research about the subject matter.