statistics for machine learning

Statistics for Machine Learning

Statistics is one of the mathematical branches. It is universally agreed that knowledge of statistics is mandatory for machine learning. Statistics has a wide range of studies that involve findings and theories, notations, and the nuts-and-bolts tools that are considered by machine learning practitioners. Therefore, it becomes necessary to have a solid understanding of statistics

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uses of R

What is R language in programming, and the uses of R language?

R is an open-source coding language that is used for data visualization, statistical analysis, and data science. As R is open-source, it has massive communities that are working continuously to enhance its environment and help worldwide members innovate and improve. R is highly flexible and compatible with various technologies. R consists of more than 10,000

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statistics for data science

The Basics of Statistics for Data Science By Statisticians

Data science has become a boom in the current industry. It is one of the most popular technologies these days. Most of the statistics students want to learn data science.  Because statistics is the building block of the machine learning algorithms. But most of the students don’t know how much statistics they need to know

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