A Section Wise Guidance on Research Paper Example


Are you feeling at sea while writing your research paper?  or Have you invested your time to plan a research paper but still fail to approach it. Don’t worry; we are here to solve your problem regarding a research paper. In this blog, we will explore the research paper example.

It goes without saying that research papers are like a curse for the students. Research paper is a lengthy process to write a striking research paper. It demands time, effort, and expertise to approach a research paper.

A research paper is similar to an academic essay in many aspects, and it is a piece of academic writing. Unlike an academic essay, research papers are generally longer and comprehensive assignments given to the students to improve their writing skills and academic research skills. A good research paper requires a deep knowledge of your topic, various sources, and a debate.

What is the format of a Research Paper?

A format is needed to write a good research paper. If you use the proper format to write the research paper, you can write flawlessly. So it is advisable to use a proper format in order to avoid irrelevancy.

Before you write the paper, it is valuable to know what style guide you need to use. It helps you to control typography, citation, and grammar.

Following are the most prominent style guides for Libral arts subjects
APA style (American psychological association)MLA Style (Modern Language Association)CMOS (Chicago/Turabian Manual of Style)
Style guides for Scientific and Medical Studies-AMA (American Medical Association)CBE (Council of Biology Editors)

Parts of a research Paper

Research studies involve a question in mind, and a research paper is a description of these studies that state the question, findings, methodology, and other relevant parameters. Have a look below at how to describe the tasks in a research paper with a research paper example for each section.

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In a research paper writing, you need to follow the IMRAD (Information, Methodology, Results, and Discussion) approach. Apart from this below sections are generally involved in a formal research paper.

These points are required to cover in a research paper.

  1. Cover Page
  2. Abstract
  3. Introduction
  4. Background
  5. Methodology
  6. Results
  7. Conclusion
  8. Appendices
  9. Acknowledgment

Points of Research Paper With Example

1. Cover Page

This page includes the title of your study, just like any other paper. It also requires the writer’s and institution (if any) name. 


The repercussions of Ragging in Educational Institutes.Dr. D.V ShankarDelhi University, India(You may add multiple names of the co-writers)

2. Abstract

An abstract is a comprehensive summary of your research. It should consider an overview of the paper and research question, the importance of your study, sources of research, and discoveries. Don’t give examples in the abstract.


Ragging badly impacts many students on school and college levels regardless of gender. Ragging and many suicide cases are interrelated to each other. It is a multidimensional and widespread phenomenon in higher education institutes. Consequently, Ragging may affect the mental and physical health of a person. It is a concerning issue in the institutes, but there has been little focus on curbing this problem and should take steps on government and individual level.

Institutions have several programs to tackle the problem of ragging, including anti-ragging committees, squads, orientation programs, cancelation of admission, fine, suspension from hostel and rustication from the college, and more. A survey has shown different views on this topic. It reveals that 45% of the students believe that ragging occurs while 99% opine that it is essential to develop a relationship between seniors and juniors. At the same time, 87% of seniors intend to hear ‘sir’ or ‘madam’ from the youngsters. But sometimes it is more than that.

3. Introduction

The introduction tells the reader what your argument is or what problem your study will solve. You should include the importance of your research and originality. Make a thesis statement and state your question.

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Ragging is a much-discussed topic in professional colleges. Owing to ragging, the death cases in India grab the attention of the government. Political parties and families of the victims are wishing the authorities power to mitigate this issue as soon as possible. The government has applied strict guidelines and warnings on the college campus in respect of ragging. But is it enough to handle this menace? We are willing to determine how these steps are assertive to eliminate this physical, emotional, behavioral, and social problem among the students.

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4. Background

In the background section, you have to consider what compelled you to take on this research. It is a place where you can elaborate historical information or previous studies regarding ragging. It is also beneficial to know your audience and what details they will read in the rest of your paper. Read a research paper example of this section.


Initially, ragging was a fun activity in western educational institutes, but now it has reached Indian society in the form of evil. Now it becomes another name of torture. Nowadays, ragging activities end in serious fights. A fresher student who denies becomes a target of harassment. It is a violation of human rights. A report CURE (Coalition of uprooting ragging from education) demonstrates the real scenario. It states death and ten suicide cases in India from july 2003 to june 2008. Only 54% of cases were solved with police interference. (You can add more background information and facts).

5. Methodology

You have to list the ways and sources you collect the data from. Examine whether you are using qualitative or quantitative methods in this part. You need to talk about various sources like surveys, experiments, or research.


We have used qualitative methods to collect data about students who have good or bad ragging experiences. These methods involve surveys with different queries that evaluate whether students face ragging without fear, or they feel insecure or afraid when they face such situations and how it affects them.

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6. Result

You are required to state what your research finds. Describe your discoveries and elaborate on the data in the conclusion part.


The survey results indicate a strong relation between ragging activity and disturbed mental health, behavior, ability, and death cases. Different students who participated in this survey revealed many threatening incidents they experience in their academic life. Many contrast statements we have received from the students regarding this issue.(How do students deal with ragging? How does ragging affect the numerous students physically or mentally? What new students think about ragging? Give the answers to these questions in this part.)

7. Conclusion

Elaborate why your findings are crucial in this section. The conclusion part allows you to check out results and review your paper. You have to make sure that the study needs additional research or not.


Although stern steps have been taken by the government and educational institutes against ragging, it is running in many institutes without any restrictions. In order to save the dignity and ability of the fresher student, there is a dire need to take other effective steps to mitigate this evil. Moreover individuals should consider it as an amusing activity and behave friendly with the new students.(Add other information and give suggestion if needed)

8. Appendices

You need to include the appendix when you have a huge amount of information and cannot add it to the research paper. But keep in mind it should be relevant to your question. Moreover, you can include this information in the form of questions.

  1. Did you ever face the ragging challenge of your seniors?
  2. Did you deal with the ragging positively?
  3. What experience have you had regarding ragging- positive or negative?
  4. What do you feel after facing the challenge?
  5. Do you ever worry about ragging?
  6. Do you think people and the government should take action to handle this situation?
  7. Why do seniors tease the juniors?

9. Acknowledgments

In this section, you thank the people who assisted you in accomplishing your research. It may include fellow researchers, mentors, family members, colleagues, and a focus group of participants.


In this article I have covered the section wise guidance of research paper examples. I hope this article is helpful for you in terms of writing a research paper. We know writing a research paper is a big deal but with the above discussion you can write an effective paper without any difficulty. In addition, one more thing you have to ensure, use proper style guides as the requirement of your research paper with the top research paper example. Get the best research paper help online from the experts