How To Use Ternary Operator in Python With Examples

Ternary operator in python

Python is an essential programming language nowadays. Python’s popularity is increasing by the day. So there are several basic python issues where students get confused, such as tuple in Python, Python linked list, ternary operators, etc. So many students search for a solution on the internet. So in this blog, we will discuss ternary operator in Python With programs. Keep reading to clear your doubts related to python ternary operators.

Let us Start With What Are Ternary Operators

The ternary operator in Python is used to determine if a condition is true or false. The ternary operator requires one line of code, making it more compact than a full if-else expression.

You can regulate the flow of your program using conditional statements, such as if statements. The code inside conditional expressions runs when a specific condition (or a collection of events) is met.

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The most frequent approach to express a conditional statement in Python is to use the if keyword. On the other hand, the ternary operator allows you to test a condition on a single language line. Let’s go through the fundamentals of conditional statements and how to use the ternary operator in python.

Python conditionals

You may only want a line or a block of code to be executed when a condition is met when writing a program. In Python, conditional statements can be used to perform this task.

The if statement in Python is used to see if a condition is met with the desired output. Assume we create an app that determines whether a customer qualifies for a 20% discount at a department shop. A discount should be granted to customers who are 60 years old or older. Otherwise, he should not be offered a discount. Here we can use the if-else statement could be to create this program. If you need to evaluate a few criteria, the ternary operator in Python is a more efficient method to write an if statement.

Ternary Operator in python

It simply replaces the multiline, if-else, with a single line to test a condition, making the code more concise.


[when_true]   if [expression]   else   [when_false]

The ternary operator can be expressed as a nested if-else statement

Ternary Operator In Python

Let us take a simple method to use the ternary operator in python

Return value using the Ternary Operator

We can also employ ternary operators in the return statement within our functions. We can, for example, build a function that checks whether an integer is even or odd and returns the text ‘even’ or ‘odd’:

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A tuple is used to do ternary operations.

A tuple is another technique to do ternary operations in Python. This is a simple alternative to the ternary operator if-else.

The two members of the Tuple in this scenario are false value and true value. Instead of an index, the conditional expression is enclosed in square brackets. This works because True has a value of 1, and False has a value of 0.


  • The value of the conditional expression becomes if it evaluates to True.
  • The ternary expression then returns the element at index 1.
  • The value of the conditional expression becomes 0 if it evaluates to False.
  • The element with index 0 is then returned.

In the tuple, make sure the false value is at index 0, and the true value is at index 1

The syntax for a list-based ternary operation

As we all know in python we use [] brackets to make a list. As you can see in the given figure below. We have simply performed the ternary function on the list. 

The syntax for using a dictionary in a ternary operation.

Accordingly, the keys True and False are given true and false values. The value equivalent to True is returned if the conditional expression evaluates to True. Otherwise, the value associated with False is returned.

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Points to Remember:

  • In comparison to other languages, the order of the parameters in the operator is different.
  • Among all Python operations, conditional expressions have the lowest priority.
  • Simple if statements can be performed more quickly with the Python ternary operator. The ternary operator analyses a condition before returning a value based on whether the condition is True or False.
  • We were able to run an if statement on one line in the examples above. This is more compact than the several lines that an if statement usually requires. On the other hand, the ternary operator in python cannot always be applied. You should write a whole if statement to test for numerous expressions. This will make your code more readable and understandable.

Also Read..!!


This gets us to the conclusion of the information. We learned how to implement the ternary operator in Python in various methods. We’ve seen how ternary operators make code more readable and compact. I hope you understand all I’ve said thus far. If you need help with python assignments, we have a team of experts who can help you out. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions)

What are the benefits of utilizing Python’s ternary operator?

The key advantages of the ternary operator in python are that it allows us to replace simple if statements with a single line expression, which improves code readability by lowering the number of lines.

In Python, how can we use the ternary operator?

Conditional expressions, often known as ternary operators, assess something based on whether a condition is true or false. It simply replaces the multiline if-else with a single line to test a condition, making the code more concise. Python 2.5 was the first version to include it.