Assignment 4, ARTS/SOC/LS 280, Winter 2022 This assignment can be completed individually or in teams of two or three (max.). To not incur a late penalty, both the final report and SPSS Output files (in PDF format) must be submitted to Dropbox via the LEARN course site no later than midnight on Friday the 1 st of April 2022. 1 point penalty for each day late (from a total of 25 points). Work not accepted if more than 7 days late. Tasks to be completed for Assignment 4: 1. With data from the “CES 2019 phone survey” data file on LEARN (under “Content” – “Canadian Election Study 2019”), clean and recode as needed the following five variables in SPSS, in preparation to run them in an OLS regression model: q69 “Household income”; q3 “Gender”; q47 “Self-rated financial situation”; q6
1 “What is the highest level of education that you have completed?”; q68 “Employment status.” (5 points)
2. In SPSS, run a linear OLS regression model with q69 “Household income” as the dependent variable (y), and q47 “Self-rated financial situation” (x1), q3 “Gender” (x2), q68 “Employment status” (x3), and q61 “What is the highest level of education that you have completed?” (x4) as the independent variables. (12 points) Include the following statistics when you run the OLS regression model in SPSS:
1. Correlation coefficients for each pair of variables
2. Model fit statistic (R2 )
3. Unstandardized regression coefficients and their p-values
4. Diagnostic statistics:
1. Frequency distribution of q69 “Household income”: in the final report, this graph does not have to be included, but the diagnostic results must be commented on.
2. Histogram of standardized residuals: in the final report, this graph does not have to be included, but the diagnostic results must be commented on.
3. Range of standardized residuals: these residuals do not have to be included in the table in the final report, but the diagnostic results must be commented on in the text. 3. In the final report, create a table with the main results of this regression model (containing unstandardized regression coefficients and their p-values, as well as the R 2 statistic), according to the presentation norms seen in Week 5. Comment the results of this table and the model diagnostics in the final report. (8 points)
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