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create functions that allow us to simulate future prices of a stock based on properties of that stock


In this project, we will create functions that allow us to simulate future prices of a stock based on properties of that stock. We will use these simulations to answer questions about the probability that the stock's price will be in a certain rate at a certain time. Before jumping into the code, we will provide a brief bit of mathematical background for the models that we will be using.

A yield rate for a stock is (roughly speaking) the percentage increase or decrease in the value of the stock over a certain period. Suppose that the price of a stock today is 100 and the stock has a yield rate of 12% over the next year. Then the price of the stock at the end of the year will be 100 ⋅ 𝑒0.12 = 112.75.

Let 𝑆0 denote the current price of a stock. Suppose that we randomly generate simulated daily yield rates for the stock over the next 𝑛 days. Denote these simulated rates as 𝑅1, 𝑅2, … , 𝑅𝑛. Let 𝑆𝑑 denote the price of the stock at the end of day 𝑑.

Then simulate value of 𝑆𝑑 is given by 𝑆𝑑 = 𝑆0𝑒𝑅1 𝑒𝑅2 ⋅ … ⋅ 𝑒𝑅𝑑, or 𝑆𝑑 = 𝑆0𝑒𝑅1+𝑅2+β‹―+𝑅𝑑. For convenience, define the

cumulative yield rate on day 𝑑 to be 𝐢𝑅𝑑 = 𝑅1 + 𝑅2 + β‹― + 𝑅𝑑. Then we can write the formula for the simulated price on day 𝑑 as 𝑆𝑑 = 𝑆0𝑒𝐢𝑅𝑑 .

Let's explain these concepts with an example:

Assume that the current price of the stock is 120.

Suppose that the simulated daily yields over the next 5 days (𝑅1 through 𝑅5) are given by:

daily_yields = [0.02, 0.01, -0.04, 0.03, 0.05]

Then the cumulative daily yields (𝐢𝑅1 through 𝐢𝑅5) are given by:

cumulative_yields = [0.02, 0.03, -0.01, 0.02, 0.07]

The simulated daily prices would be given by:

simulated_prices = [120e0.02, 120e0.03, 120e-0.01, 120e0.02, 120e0.07]


General Instructions


Create a new notebook named Project_03_YourLastName.ipynb and complete the instructions provided below.


Any set of instructions you see in this document with an orange bar to the left will indicate a place where you should create a markdown cell. If no instructions are provided regarding formatting, then the text should be unformatted.


Any set of instructions you see with a blue bar to the left will provide instructions for creating a single code cell. Read the instructions carefully.


Assignment Header


Create a markdown cell with a level 1 header that reads: "DSCI 303 – Project 03". Add your name below that as a level 3 header.


Import the following packages: numpy, math, and matplotlib.pyplot. No other packages should be used in this project.


Part A: Stock Simulation Function


In this section, you will create and test a function to generate sequences of simulated daily stock prices, or runs.


Create a markdown cell that displays a level 2 header that reads: "Part A: Stock Simulation Function". Also add some text briefly describing the purpose of your code in this part.


Write a function named simulate_stock. This function will randomly generate a simulated sequence of daily stock prices (which we will call a run) based on several parameters. A description of this function is found below.

The parameters for simulate_stock are start, rate, vol, and days.

start will represent the current price of the stock. This will be the starting price for the run.

rate will be the expected annual yield rate for the stock.

vol will be the annual volatility of the stock. This is a measure of how much uncertainty there is in the future price of the stock. Stock with a higher volatility will have prices that are a lot "swingier". In statistical terms, the volatility is the standard deviation of the stock's annual yield.

days will be the number of days into the future that we would like to simulate prices.


The function should return an array that contains days + 1 elements. The first element of the returned array should be the starting price, start, while the later elements should be simulated stock prices. For example, if days = 4, then the function should return an array with 5 values, the starting price and 4 simulated prices.


The process for calculating the array of simulated prices is as follows:


1. We will assume that the daily yield rates follow a normal distribution with a mean determined by the parameter rate, and a standard deviation determined by the parameter vol. Since the parameters rate and vol relate to the annual yield, we will have to scale them down to work with daily yields. The stock market has around 252 trading days in a given year, so to scale down to daily yields, we will need to divide rate by 252 and divide vol by

√252 (these facts would be covered in a probability course).


Use np.random.normal to create an array of randomly generated daily yields. The mean (loc) should be set to rate/252 and the standard deviation (scale) should be set to vol/(252**0.5). The number of elements in this array should be equal to days. I suggest naming the array daily_yields.


2. To calculate the simulated stock price at the end of each day, we need to know the cumulative yields. Use

np.cumsum to calculate this. I suggest naming the results cumulative_yields.


3. Create an array called daily_multipliers by exponentiating each of the cumulative yields. You can accomplish this using np.exp.


4. Multiply the daily multipliers by the starting price to get the simulated daily prices for each day. Round these simulated prices to 2 decimal places.


5. The number of elements in the array that you have created should be equal to days. We wish to add the starting price to the beginning of this array. You can accomplish this using np.concatenate.


6. Return the array of days + 1 elements created in Step 5.


Note: This function SHOULD NOT use any loops. Use numpy arrays instead.


Add a markdown cell explaining that you are about to test your function.


Test your code by performing the instructions below.

Simulate 60 daily prices for a stock with a current price of 500, an expected annual return of 8%, and an annual volatility of 0.3. Store the result in a variable.

Display the prices using a line plot.

Run this cell a few times to get a sense as to how the simulated results might vary.

At the top of this cell, use numpy to set a random seed of 1. Run the cell again. If your function was written correctly, your simulated run should have a final price of 514.44.



Part B: Annual Yield Function


In this section, we will create and test a function that takes a simulated run as its input, and calculates the annual yield during for that particular run.

Create a markdown cell that displays a level 2 header that reads: "Part B: Annual Yield Function". Also add some text briefly describing the purpose of your code in this part.

Write a function named find_yield. This function should accept a single parameter called run, which is expected to be an array of simulated daily prices for a stock. The function should return the annual yield for the stock over the simulated period, rounded to four decimal places.

The formula for calculating the annual yield is as follows: annual yield = ln ( Final Price 252

 . You can use the

 Initial Price Days in Run

function math.log in the math package to calculate the natural logarithm.

Recall that the number of days in a run is equal to one less than the length of the run since the run contains the starting price.

Create a markdown cell that explains you are about to test your function by running it on the previously simulated run.

Call the find_yield function on the run you created in Part A, printing the result. If everything is correct, you should get 0.1196 as the result. Note that this is quite a bit different from the expected 8% annual yield that we used to simulate this run. This is a result of the randomness involved in our simulation.

Create a markdown cell to explain that the next cell will explore the potential variability in our simulated runs by creating and plotting 25 simulated runs.

In a new cell, use a loop to create 25 simulated runs for a stock with a current price of 100, an expected annual yield of 6%, and an annual volatility of 0.4 over a period of 200 days. Plot all 25 runs in the same line plot. For each run, use find_yield to calculate the annual yield for the run, and store the value in a list. You should see a wide range of simulated results.

Hint: Each iteration of your loop should do three things: Simulate a run, calculate the yield for that run and add the result to a list, and add a line plot of the run to a figure using plt.plot.

Create a markdown cell to explain that the next cell will display the yields for the 25 simulated runs.

Print the list of annual yields created in the previous code cell. Again, you will likely see a wide range of results.

Part C: Finding Seeds that Generate Specific Outcomes

The purpose of this section is to give you some experience working with seeds. Through trial-and-error, you will try to find seeds that result in specific outcomes.

 Create a markdown cell that displays a level 2 header that reads: "Part C: Finding Seeds that Generate Specific Outcomes". Also add some text briefly describing the purpose of your code in this part.

Create a markdown cell that displays: "In the cell below, Stock A has the highest simulated final price."

Create a new cell. Use numpy to set the random seed to an integer of your choice. Simulate daily runs for three stocks (Stock A, Stock B, and Stock C) over a period of 100 days. The parameters for these stocks are as follows:

Stock A has a current price of 78, an expected annual return of 4%, and a volatility of 1.2.

Stock B has a current price of 75, an expected annual return of 8%, and a volatility of 0.8.

Stock C has a current price of 72, an expected annual return of 16%, and a volatility of 0.6.

Create line plots for all three runs on the same figure, including a legend indicating which line goes with which stock. Change the seed until you get a result in which Stock A has highest final price after 100 days.

Create a markdown cell that displays: "In the cell below, Stock B has the highest simulated final price."


Repeat the steps in the previous code cell, but select a seed that results in Stock B having the highest final price after 100 days.

Create a markdown cell that displays: "In the cell below, Stock C has the highest simulated final price."

Repeat the steps in the previous code cell, but select a seed that results in Stock C having the highest final price after 100 days.

I would like for each person to have their own unique seed values on this part. When you have found three seed values that generate the desired results, please email them to me. I will keep a list of the seeds have been “claimed” and will make them available to the other students. I will deduct points if you use seed values claimed by another student, or if you and another student have the same values, but neither of you claimed them before submitting your assignment.



Part D: Monte Carlo Simulation


As we have seen, any two runs generated from the same set of parameters might vary considerably from one-another. You might be asking how simulation is useful if I get very different results every time we run a simulation. The answer is that we do not expect simulation to be able to tell us exactly what will occur, we use it to get an idea of the range of possible outcomes that might occur. In order to perform that sort of analysis, we need to perform many simulations, and then look at the range of outcomes occurring in this simulations. The process of performing several simulations to estimate probabilities relating to the outcome of a certain event is called Monte Carlo Simulation.


Create a markdown cell that displays a level 2 header that reads: "Part D: Monte Carlo Simulation". Also add some text briefly describing the purpose of your code in this part.


Write a function named monte_carlo. The function should accept five parameters: start, rate, vol, days, and num_runs. The function should use a loop to generate a number of simulated stock runs equal to num_runs. The characteristics of the runs are provided by the parameters start, rate, vol, and days. A detailed description of this function is provided below.


Each time you loop executes, the following steps should be performed:


1. Simulate a run using the supplied parameters. Store the resulting array in a variable.

2. Determine the final simulated price of the stock and append it into a list called final_prices.

3. Determine the annual yield for the simulated run and append it into a list called annual_yields.


When the loop is done executing, convert the two lists you have constructed to numpy arrays and return both of them.


Create a markdown cell to explain that you are about to test the function by running a Monte Carlo simulation with a specific seed.


Set a seed of 1, and run a Monte Carlo simulation consisting of 10,000 simulated runs for a stock with a current price of 200, an expected annual return of 10%, and a volatility of 0.4. Each run should be over a period of 500 days. Create a histogram of the final prices. Use bins=np.arange(0, 1600, 50), and set the edgecolor to black. Set the size of the figure to be [10,5].

If your code is correct, your histogram should have a peak around 200 and should have a long tail trailing off to the right. This shows that the majority of the simulated final prices are near 200, but there are some very large outliers.

Create a markdown cell to explain that you are about to display the 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, and 90th percentiles of the simulated final prices.

Use np.percentile to calculate the 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, and 90th percentiles for the final prices in the simulated runs generated for the stock. Display the results by creating five lines of output, with each line using the following format: __th percentile:       

Round the display percentiles to 2 decimal places.


If done correctly, you should get a 10th percentile of 118.05 and a 90th percentile of 505.91.

Part E: Effects of Volatility

In this part, we will explore the effect of volatility on simulated stock prices. We will do this by performing two Monte Carlo simulations. The two simulations will use different volatilities, but will otherwise use the same parameters.

Create a markdown cell that displays a level 2 header that reads: "Part E: Effects of Volatility". Also add some text briefly describing the purpose of your code in this part.

Set a seed of 1 and then run Monte Carlo simulations for two stocks (Stock A and Stock B), each with 10,000 runs lasting over a period of 150 days. Both stocks being simulated have a current price of 100, and an expected annual yield of 12%. However, the Stock A has a volatility of 0.3, and Stock B has a volatility of 0.7.

Calculate the average of the simulated annual yields for each stock, rounded to four decimal places. Print the results in the following format:

Average Annual Yield for A over 10000 runs:  Average Annual Yield for B over 10000 runs: 

Create a markdown cell to explain that we will visually inspect the results of the two Monte Carlo simulations by plotting histograms of the final prices.

Use plt.hist to create a figure with two histograms on the same axes. Each histogram should display the distribution of final prices for each stock over the 10,000 simulated runs in one of the two Monte Carlo simulations. Set a figure size of [10,5]. Set an alpha level of 0.6 and use np.arange(0,600, 10) for the bins in each plot. Set the edgecolor to black. Display a legend indicating which histogram is for which stock. Finally, set the title of the figure to be "Histogram of Final Prices over 10,000 Runs".

You should see that the histogram for Stock A is tightly clustered with a peak near 120. The histogram for Stock B should have a shorter peak near 80, and a large tail trailing off to the right. This shows that the stock with the higher volatility (Stock B) has a much wider range of likely outcomes.


Part F: Comparing Two Stocks


In this section, we will use Monte Carlo simulation to estimate probabilities relating to the performance of two stocks with different parameters.

Create a markdown cell that displays a level 2 header that reads: "Part F: Comparing Two Stocks". Also add some text briefly describing the purpose of your code in this part.

Set a seed of 1, and then run Monte Carlo simulations for two stocks (Stock A and Stock B), each with 10,000 runs lasting over a period of 252 days. Both stocks being simulated have a current price of 120. Stock A has an expected annual yield of 8% and a volatility of 0.2. Stock B has an expected annual yield of 5% and a volatility of 0.5.


Calculate the following:

The proportion of the simulated runs in which Stock A has a higher final price than Stock B.

The proportion of the simulated runs in which Stock A has a final price greater than 150.

The proportion of the simulated runs in which Stock B has a final price greater than 150.

The proportion of the simulated runs in which Stock A has a final price less than 100.

The proportion of the simulated runs in which Stock B has a final price less than 100.

Round all values to four decimal places, and display your results in the following format:

Proportions of runs in which...

A ends above B: xxxx


A ends above 150: xxxx B ends above 150: xxxx

A ends below 100: xxxx B ends below 100: xxxx

Part G: Expected Call Payoff

We will conclude this project by exploring an application of Monte Carlo simulation. A call option is a particular type of investment whose final value (or payoff) is based on the price of a stock. When you purchase a call based on a stock, it will have a specified expiration date, as well as a strike price that we will denote by 𝐾. Let 𝑆 denote the price of the stock when the call expires. If 𝑆 > 𝐾, then you will receive a payoff of 𝑆 − 𝐾 dollars from your call. If 𝑆 ≤ 𝐾, then your payoff would be


For example, assume that you pay $10 for a call on a stock. Suppose that the call expires in one year and has a strike price of $120. If the price of the stock one year later is $150, then you will receive a payoff $30 from the call. If, on the other hand, the price of the stock after one year was $110, then you would not get any money back from the call (your payoff would be $0).

In a sense, you can think of a call option as a "bet" that the price of the stock will be greater than the strike price when the call expires.

We will use Monte Carlo to estimate the expected payoff of a call on a particular stock. The stock will have a current price of 200, an expected annual yield of 11%, and a volatility of 0.4. The call will have a strike price of 225 and will expire in 150 days.

Create a markdown cell that displays a level 2 header that reads: "Part G: Expected Call Payoff". Also add some text briefly describing the purpose of your code in this part.



Expert's Answer

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