1. Convert raw tabular data into a Table structure.
2. How many Rows and Columns are there?
3. Are there any missing (blank) columns? If so, which Columns are they?
1. Add a column to the right of “Worldwide Gross”, called Gross Sales equal to the sum of “Worldwide Gross” and “US Gross”.
2. Add a column to the right of Gross Sales called Avg Gross Box Office Sales. Apply the following calculation:
=IF(AND(B2>0, C2>0),AVERAGE(B2:C2), IF(AND(B2=0, C2>0),C2, 0))
3. For “Release Date”, add columns Release Month and Release Year. Use appropriate functions. Review Common Data Prep Functions as needed.
4. Add a column called Release Decade. Apply the following function: Note: J is the column for “Release Year” created above. Your column may be different. I suggest you copy and paste into a text editor and update as needed. Do not use MS Word, it needs to be text only. You can use this online text editor: https://www.onlinetexteditor.com/
=IF(VALUE(J2)<1920,"1910s", IF(VALUE(J2)<1930,"1920s", IF(VALUE(J2)<1940,"1930s", IF(VALUE(J2)<1950,"1940s", IF(VALUE(J2)<1960,"1950s", IF(VALUE(J2)<1970,"1960s", IF(VALUE(J2)<1980,"1970s", IF(VALUE(J2)<1990,"1980s", IF(VALUE(J2)<2000,"1990s", "2010s")))))))))
5. Add a column called Rating Category to the right of “MPAA Rating” Apply the following function: Note: L is the column for “MPAA Rating”. Your column may be different
=IF(ISBLANK(L2), "N/A", VLOOKUP(L2,Ratings!$A:$B,2,0))
6. Add a column called Genre to the right of “Major Genre” Apply the following function: Note: Q is the column for “Major Genre”, Your column may be different
=IF(ISBLANK(Q2),"Other",IF(Q2="Black Comedy", "Comedy", Q2))
Perform full exploratory data analysis (EDA) by creating pivot tables and visualizations (on separate sheets). For each of the following charts, also include a few sentences describing the insights offered by the visualization.
1. Sales throughout the years. Create the pivot table and the following chart. Select Row Labels to sort by ‘Sum of Gross Sales’. Also apply a filter for ‘Sum of Gross Sales” > 0
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