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Java Programming

soft drink company recently surveyed customers who purchase energy drinks and discovered: approximately 64% of them purchase citrus-flavored energy drinks


A soft drink company recently surveyed customers who purchase energy drinks and discovered: approximately 64% of them purchase citrus-flavored energy drinks and 36% purchase regular energy drinks. The profit on regular energy drinks is 34% of the selling price. The profit on citrus-flavored energy drinks is 29% of the selling price. Write a program that:

  • Inputs the total number of drinks sold for the month
  • Inputs the selling price of a regular energy drink
  • Inputs the selling price of a citrus-flavored energy drink
  • Calculates and displays the number of regular energy drinks sold and the resulting profit
  • Calculates and displays the number of citrus-flavored energy drinks sold and the resulting profit
  • Calculates and displays the total profit for all types of energy drinks

The following is a sample run, user input is shown in bold underline:

Enter number of drinks sold: 1000

Enter price of regular energy drink: 2.50

Enter price of citrus energy drink: 2.99

           Type     Number     Profit

 Regular Energy        360     306.00

  Citrus Energy        640     554.94

         Totals       1000     860.94

Question 1 options:

Question 2 (10 points)


The Rail Shipping Company charges the following rates for shipping packages based on the weight:


Flat Rate

First 100KG


Next 200 KG


Each additional KG



For example, the cost to ship a 400 KG package would be:

  • for the first 100 KG = 100 * $19.00 = $1,900.00
  • for the next 200 KG = 200 * $10.00 = $2,000.00
  • for the remainding 100 KG = 100 * $7.00 = $700
  • Total before GST = $4,600.00
  • GST = $230.00
  • Total = $4,830.00

Your program should:

  • ask the user to input the weight in Kg
  • calculate and display the cost to be charged to the customer.

Don’t forget to include the GST as shown. Use the double datatype for the calculations.

The following are two separate sample runs, user input is shown bold underline.

Sample run #1

Enter the weight in KG: 400

Cost for the shipment is $4830.00

Sample run #2

Enter the weight in KG: 150

Cost for the shipment is $2520.00

Question 2 options:

Question 3 (10 points)


Read in a series of data on the world’s tallest buildings.

The format of the input string must be:

name of building, City, Country, height in metres, year completed

Write a program to print out the name of each building and its height in feet.

feet = metres * 3.28

Continue processing data until the user enters the word “exit” as the building name. Final line of input would look like:
exit, exit, exit, 0, 0 

Sample run (user input is shown in bold underline):

Enter building information:Burj Khalifa, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 828, 2010

Building: Burj Khalifa

Height(ft) 2715.84

Enter building information:Shanghai Tower,Shanghai, China,632, 2015

Building: Shanghai Tower

Height(ft) 2072.96

Enter building information:exit, exit, exit, 0, 0


Question 3 options:

Question 4 (10 points)


You are asked to write a program to handle nightly reservations at a hostel. Here are the different sleeping accommodations:





Single Bunk, Top



Single Bunk, Bottom



Single Bed



Exit Program



No advance reservations are allowed. Travelers come up to the clerk in the evening and the clerk determines if a bed is available based on the type requested. Your program should allow the clerk to enter the type and number of beds requested for each client. Your program should deduct that amount from the total based on the type. No error checking of the “Type” is required. You can assume that the clerk will not rent out beds that are not available (don’t need to error check the number of beds available).




The following is a sample run (user input is shown in bold underline:


               Type     # Available

    Single Bunk(Top)               5

    Single Bunk(Btm)               5

          Single Bed               2

Enter your option (1-3), 9 to quit:1

How many Single Bunks (Top): 2

                Type     # Available

    Single Bunk(Top)               3

    Single Bunk(Btm)               5

          Single Bed               2

Enter your option (1-3), 9 to quit: 2

How many Single Bunks (Bottom): 1

                Type     # Available

    Single Bunk(Top)               3

    Single Bunk(Btm)               4

          Single Bed               2

Enter your option (1-3), 9 to quit: 1

How many Single Bunks (Top): 1

                Type     # Available

    Single Bunk(Top)               2

    Single Bunk(Btm)               4

          Single Bed               2

Enter your option (1-3), 9 to quit: 9

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