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you will use the accompanying data set, created from the Canadian Community Health Survey to develop a research question


For this project, you will use the accompanying data set, created from the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS), to develop a research question and statistical hypothesis and perform a test using biostatistical analysis.

To begin, examine the list of variables in the accompanying data dictionary. You should identify what type of variable each one is. It will help to do some searching for peer-reviewed articles that have studied similar variables.

Based on your reading, select TWO (2) variables whose relationship is of interest to you. Establish a null hypothesis for the relationship between these two variables. Provide descriptive statistics for each of your variables and test the null hypothesis.

Note that if you have reason (based on your reading of the literature) to convert a numeric variable to a categorical variable or to reduce the number of categories in a categorical variable (by collapsing categories), you may do so, just explain this in the report.

You will prepare a report on your project, following the general structure of scientific report (Rationale, Research Question, Null Hypothesis, Methods, Results and Interpretation). A model report has been provided on D2L Brightspace. Ensure your Rationale section refers at least one peer reviewed reference and your Interpretation section refers to at least two additional peer reviewed references.

In your report, please provide relevant descriptive statistics for each of the variables, and select and complete an appropriate analysis procedure to test your null hypothesis.

Please refer to the example report on D2L Brightspace.

You are encouraged to use software to conduct your analyses. The at home labs will help prepare you to use JMP.

Note that the entire report must be written in your own words. Consult Ryerson University’s Policy 60 on Academic Integrity and the course syllabus – any plagiarism could result in academic penalties per these guidelines.


Prepare your report as a Word document (.doc or .docx).

Format using 12pt font and 1” margins. Double spaced.

Use APA (6th ed) to format your in-text citations and reference list (do not worry about other APA guidelines, just the citations)—a good reference for APA is: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_ guide/in_text_citations_the_basics.html

This is a short report in a scientific style, please do not use quotation from sources. Paraphrasing is the method to refer to sources.

Number your pages.

Name your report with an informative title on a title page, and include your name, student number, course code, course name and the date of submission on the title page.

Include the output of your JMP (or other software) analyses as an appendix (See model report for an example). If you perform calculations by hand, show your work in the appendix (you can scan them into the document)

The Rationale, Research Question, Null Hypothesis, Methods, Results and Interpretation components should comprise no more than 1000 words. This does not include tables,

 figures, references or appendices (but does include embedded in-text citations). There will be a penalty of 10% for each 50 words over the limit.

Save your file named with your last name and student number, e.g. Valjean24601.docx

Upload your project to D2L Brightspace before the March 20 5PM deadline! (Email submissions are NOT accepted, upload to D2L only!).


The reports will be evaluated on:

Originality of the research question

Relevance of the peer-reviewed literature context

Appropriateness of the selected analyses

Correct performance of these analyses

Understanding of the meaning of the analysis results

Sophistication of the interpretation of the analysis results

Clarity of written work

Adherence to all formatting guidelines.

Spelling and grammar will be considered, particularly where these interfere with the ability of a reader to understand the intended meaning of the text.


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