Assignment 7
1. Exercise 9.1 Acme Bank wants to determine if a person’s age (group) is associated with his or her preferred bill-paying method. The research team gathers data using a self-administered survey card: Bill Paying Survey Please check one answer for each question: How old are you? □ 18–25 □ 26–35 □ 36–55 □ 56–99 What method do you use most often to pay bills? □ Check □ E-pay □ Other Thank you for participating in our survey. Data set: Ch 09 - Exercise 01A.sav Codebook Variable: age Definition: Age of the respondent Type: Categorical (1 = 18–25, 2 = 26–26, 3 = 36–55, 4 = 56–99) Variable: billpay Definition: Preferred method for paying bills Type: Categorical (1 = Check, 2 = E-pay, 3 = Other
a. Write the hypotheses.
b. Run the criteria of the pretest checklist (n is at least 5 per cell in the crosstabs,) post and discuss your findings.
c. Run the chi-square test, post and document your findings (ns and/or percentages, Sig. [p value]).
d. Write an abstract up to 200 words detailing a summary of the study, the chi-square test results, hypothesis resolution, and implications of your findings.
2. Using General Social Service (GSS) data
a. open and save GSS data: GSS2016.sav
b. Following earlier examples, use the attached information about GSS describe the sample.
c. Review the variables and select which variables you will use for your research paper.
d. Describe the variables:
1) Define the variables you will use
(YEAR(Gss year for this respondent )
POLVIEWS(Think of self as liberal or conservative)
RELIG(Rs religious preference)
ATTEND(How often r attends religious services)
RELITEN(Strength of affiliation)
POSTLIFE(Belief in life after death)
HAPPY(General happiness)
HAPMAR(Happiness of marriage)
OBEY(To obey)
THNKSELF(To think for ones self)
CLASS_(Subjective class identification)
ABDEFECT(Strong chance of serious defect)
ABANY(Abortion if woman wants for any reason)
IF12WHO(Who would r have voted for in 2012 election)
VOTE12(Did r vote in 2012 election)
ID_(Respondent id number)
MARITAL(Marital status)
MARTYPE(Marital type)
DIVORCE(Ever been divorced or separated)
PAOCC10(Fathers census occupation code (2010))
MAOCC10(Mothers census occupation code (2010))
CHILDS(Number of children)
EDUC(Highest year of school completed)
DEGREE(Rs highest degree)
SEX(Respondents sex)
INCOME(Total family income)
PARTYID(Political party affiliation)
TVHOURS(Hours per day watching tv)
2) List the categories of each variable
3) Write your hypothesis
4) What statistics will you use to analyze the data?
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