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Research Paper

Assessing the quality of services in Health Rehabilitation Centre X


Case: Assessing the quality of services in Health Rehabilitation Centre X

Rehabilitation centre X plan to implement new Quality Management System and as part of it needs to develop new questionnaire to measure patients` satisfaction with the service. 

The questionnaire development process was comprehensive and included series of interviews and focus-groups with stakeholders and was based on SERQUAL method (Parasuranam, et al., 1988). SERQUAL model assumes that the service quality can be characterised as quality of three dimentions: tangible components (e.g. premises, equipment), staff responsiveness and staff empathy. 

The pilot survey allowed to check the content and internal consistency reliability of the questionnaire. After modification the final instrument with 18 questions including one reversely coded (marked with *) was developed (see Appendix).

Survey to measure actual patients` satisfaction was carried out in January 2020. Total number of rehabilitation patients in the centre X in January was 151. The questionnaire was completed by 92 patients, however, only 60 responses were regarded as complete and used for research. 


1) Draw the conceptual model of the research. 

1) Evaluate the internal consistency reliability of the questionnaire scales.

2) Use the data and answer the research questions (RQ) proposed by researcher:

RQ1: Are patients satisfied with the service? Satisfaction with which factors (dimensions) is higher?  Which dimension generates the most variety of responses?

RQ2: Whish dimensions of the service quality have higher impact on overall satisfaction? 

Does patients` age has an impact on overall satisfaction with the service? 

RQ3: Are patients` with different diagnosis evaluation of satisfaction and its dimensions differently? 

RQ4: What is the impact of diagnosis and having experience with rehabilitation services on overall satisfaction?

3) Prepare recommendations for the management of Rehabilitation centre X to improve patients` satisfaction with rehabilitation services. 




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