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Compute the following statistics for the respondent’s age variable (age) -


Q1 (10 Marks)

Compute the following statistics for the respondent’s age variable (age) -

i. The minimum

ii. The maximum

iii. The median

iv. The arithmetic mean

v. The standard deviation of the mean

vi. The standard error of the mean

vii. The upper and lower 95% confidence interval for the mean

viii. The mean age for males

ix. The mean age for females



Q2 (10 Marks)

Explore the relationship between gender and education by providing a cross tabulation of (edlev) and (sex). Report and interpret a suitable statistical test and an appropriate measure of association.



Question 3 (10 Marks)


i. Select the workers in the sample using the variable employment status last week (ecstaa =1). What is the size of this subsample?

ii. What is the mean number of hours usually worked per week for all workers (workhrs)?

iii. What is the mean number of hours usually worked per week for male workers?

iv. What is the mean number of hours usually worked per week for female workers?

v. Comment on the relationship between the mean hours usually worked per week by male and female workers?



Question 4 (20 Marks) (This answer should not take up more than one side of A4)


i. Estimate a linear regression model of hours usually worked per week (workhrs) using age (age) gender (female) and the marital status indicators (cohab; single; widow; divorced; separated) as explanatory variables. Present these results in a suitably summarized format.

ii. Comment on the results of the regression model.



Question 5 (50 Marks) (This answer should not take up more than three sides of A4)


i. Select one outcome variable and three or more substantively plausible explanatory variables, and justify your choice.

ii. Present some descriptive statistics for your variables.

iii. Undertake some suitable analyses and comment on your results.




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