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Conduct the appropriate t-test analysis for the given scenario and write-up the findings from


‘1 . SPSS Output File (be sure to save ¡t as a pdf file).

2.Journal type write-up (Word) that ¡s approximately two- to three-pages in APA format (no

cover page required).

Assignment Outcomes:

Conduct the appropriate t-test analysis for the given scenario and write-up the findings from

your analysis as well as conclusions/recommendations.

Scenario: As a college administrator you are curious about some student success factors that

may differ depending on different institution characteristics. In particular, do students that

come frominstitutions with at least 25% (25% or fewer) of their studentsidentifying as receiving

rPeIl fPCTPEì...LÌhave a higher median loan debt after graduation LGRAD15EBT_MDN1 that those

with more than 25% of students receiving PeIL Also, of interest is if institutions with less thn

50%of students identifying as first generation have higher.cojIetion rates [Cl 50_4) than those

with more than 50% of students identifying as first-generation.


Step I : Identify the variables and determine if any transformations/recoding is necessary, if so

complete the actions needed.

Step 2: Write the research question and null hypothesis for the 2 different t-tests based on the

scena río,

Step 3: Perform descriptive statistics appropriate for the variables so you can provide a brief

description ofthe variables. Address the assumptions of normality. Think about feedback you

receive in SPSS 3. Remember, you are focused on the variables, not anything specific to the

group performance at this stage. (You may reuse a portion of your SPSS 3 assignment if the

variables are relevant). Be sure to export your output to pdf so you can upload it with your

assign ment.

Step 4: Perform the 2 independent samples t-test to test each null hypothesis. Remember to

review and address the test assumptions (e.g. Levene’s test for equality of variances).

Step 5: Write-up the analysis in 2-3 pages in APA format, including the following components

f Introduction

. Use the scenario provided, though craft in your own words.

. A briefdescription ofthe data set. (overview of it, who collected it, etc. This shou’d be

a maximum of2-3 sentences, and you can reuse work from earlier assignments).

. Include your research questions and null hypothesis, as well as the analysis you wi

use to answer the questions.


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