Ask before/after/during class or come into office/online hours if you have questions on any of this. Refer to the syllabus on Academic Dishonesty and group/individual work and allowable help for all projects – also remember it’s your responsibility to protect your work.
Before you start -- read this whole assignment and use an optional text and/or review the tutorials as necessary. A project overview is also
available. We’re going to create a ‘lookup’ worksheet for Air Quality numbers, using skills learned in the Excel 1 project.
Part 1 – Create / Download
• Create a blank workbook. Name it using your Last name followed by your initials and then underscore 2EX. For example: WarnerBL_2EX.xlsx.
• Copy/paste the 2019 Air Quality data from Excel2 Data S20.docx , into a worksheet in your workbook. Name the tab State AQI.
• Adjust the formatting and set the column widths so that any column headings with more than 1 word have each word wrapped on a separate line within the one cell (see below). These should stay wrapped even if the column width is increased. Adjust the height of row 1 as needed so the full heading names are displayed.
• Sort the data (do not sort or remove the title/heading rows) by State name in ascending order. Check the sort to be sure all is correct.
• Insert a row above the Alabama data where you calculate and display the average for each column of numerical data. Display all with one decimal place and align right as necessary.
• In the ‘Days with AQI’ column. Set the conditional formatting so that any cell in that column with a value greater than the average for the column (row 2) is highlighted with a fill color. Repeat this for rows C through L The column header should not change color.
• Set the borders for the data (not the whole worksheet) so that all cells have thin borders.
• Using the named range feature of Excel, name all the cells in this worksheet All_States.
• Compare your results.
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