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Create, analyze, evaluate and explain a cost-effectiveness analysis of two treatment options of any disease of your choice


Assignment question:

Create, analyze, evaluate and explain a cost-effectiveness analysis of two treatment options of any disease of your choice using the TreeAge® software program.


1.      Establishes original premise or adapts established premise in an original way using at least 2 clinical strategies with tradeoffs.

2.      Conduct cost-effectiveness analysis.

3.      Provide 2 sources/ references of your data (probabilities & prices).

4.      Design a tree that considers all aspects of the clinical question.

5.      Presents results of 2 sensitivity analyses to validate the stability of the model.

6.      Present the cost drivers.

·         So, the question is open to any treatments options of any disease, whatever the expert is comfortable with. I have an example if you want:

·         Cost-Effectiveness of Primary Radiation Therapy Versus Radical Prostatectomy for Intermediate- to High-Risk Prostate Cancer

·         I have the software on my laptop, so I believe I would need to get the assignment as a file saved directly from the software. I need to present the analysis on the software live, so I would need the variables you create to run them on my software.


·         The end product should look like something similar to attachment 2. The variables table should look similar to the attachment 3.


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