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Develop a profile of TH loyal customer and compare it with other brands.


Description – Data Presentation.

Third of three Coursework component of Marketing Research Project:

Data Analysis Report (70%) comprising 4,000 words. This individual final report should be a stand-alone document containing all necessary information regarding the whole marketing research project. The report should be written in a format, style and language suitable for both academic and practitioner audiences.

Marketing research project brief:

You are an assistant customer insight analyst and have been tasked to a new project examining customer satisfaction and loyalty in the USA fashion clothing market. You have been asked to provide a report on 8 popular clothing brands amongst American consumers. The 8 brands are Calvin Klein, Converse, Gap, Hollister, Levi’s, Nike, Tommy Hilfiger, and Under Armour. The brand that you are working for is Tommy Hilfiger (TH). They think that they are falling behind on capturing consumers’ imaginations and are therefore wanting to gauge their relative position in customers

minds with respect to the 8 leading brands specified. The client has provided the following six objectives for the project but have asked you as a customer insight specialist to develop an additional two or three objectives to report on as you see fit. [Note: secondary data might help you to understand this market and to develop these additional objectives.]

Therefore, the overall aim of the project is to provide insights into customer attitudes, satisfaction levels, and loyalty regarding the 8 clothing

brands listed above. More specifically,

1. Prepare descriptive analysis of the sample.


2. Develop a profile of TH loyal customer and compare it with other brands.


3. Describe product preference/use pattern for TH customers.


4. Provide breakdown of market shares for USA fashion clothing market based on preferences.


5. Map the position of TH taking into account quality, value and perception of individual brands (Including attitudes, emotional response etc.)


6. Compare social media involvement and distribution channels for TH with regards to consumer characteristics. Predict involvement in social media based on consumer characteristics considering whole sample and TH brand only.


The questionnaire has been designed by your client (see survey at https://4eyes.io/s/3xv7f/) and data collected via Four Eyes platform in SPSS file will be provided for you via BB.


Report Specification:

Data Analysis Report (70% of module mark) comprising 4,000 words.

This individual final report should be a stand-alone document containing all necessary information regarding the whole marketing research project. The word count excludes the table of contents, tables, charts, figures, references and appendices. Tables, charts, figures, references and appendices must be used with care, must be appropriate and must be referred to within the main body of the report. In particular, tables, charts, figures and appendices must NOT be used to circumvent the word count. The correct word count must appear on the front sheet of the report. Pertinent academic and other organisational/online sources must be fully referenced. You must include a blank copy of the survey questionnaire in your appendix.

The focus of the report is on your ability to properly and fully address the marketing research aim(s) and objectives posed and to make justified, insightful and actionable recommendations to the managers of the business under examination. You are strongly advised to present the results and findings arising from your statistical analyses in a manner that would provide clear and meaningful information to your intended reader (managers). Any recommendations offered must be clearly linked to the findings of your research (based on your analyses of the data collected). You are also encouraged to reflect on the whole marketing research project and state any limitations of the research undertaken as well as reservations regarding the recommendations offered to the reader. Suggestions (with justifications) on key additional marketing research activities will be of value.

The report will be marked as a single piece of work. Around 50% of the coursework mark is for the analyses and interpretations made that are suitable in assessing the aim(s) and objective(s) outlined in the project brief. The remaining 50% of the coursework mark is equally split between the sections that outline the project (and the research undertaken) and the last section of your report that provides recommendations and draws together your findings.


A suggested structure for your individual Data Analysis Report (beyond cover/front sheets) is given below:

1. Executive summary

2. Table of contents

3. Introduction/Background

4. The research problem [covering formal statement of the research problem, aim(s), objectives and research questions (if specified)]

5. Methodology [research approach, data collection method, and data analyses approach - all linked to your research objectives/questions]

6. Results and (interpreted) Findings

7. Discussion including sections on Recommendations, Limitations and Conclusions

8. References/Bibliography

9. Appendices.

Chapter 28 of the core text provides details on report writing in a marketing research context. Students are encouraged to take note of the guidance provided in this chapter.

Include all relevant SPSS output as appendices and reference them clearly in the main body of the report. The appendices should be structured into discrete parts (e.g., A1.1, A1.2, …., B1.1, B1.2,…. etc.). You should create your own tables (using the Word table tool) for the main body of your report, extracting only the pertinent information from the SPSS output. I would strongly advise you NOT to just copy/paste SPSS output directly into the main body of your report. Remember this report is meant for a possibly non- technical reader (the manager) who might nevertheless ask statistical experts to help verify your findings based on the appendices provided. Make sure you copy/paste SPSS output as an (JPEG) image into your appendices.

References should be in the Harvard format and a referencing guide is provided in the coursework folder for ALL students to pay attention to.

Writing an Executive summary: https://unilearning.uow.edu.au/report/4bi1.html

You must only utilise analysis methods taught in this module in analysing the data provided.

You must use the project data provided to you as the basis for your report.



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