1. Question 1
In order to determine customer satisfaction rates, a retail company conducted surveys of 419 customers at 3 store locations. Data is available in the satisf.sav file. In this question we are going to investigate whether different age categories shop as frequently.
Case Processing Summary
Valid Missing Total
N Percent N Percent N Percent
Age category * Shopping frequency 419 100,0% 0 0,0% 419 100,0%
Table 1
Age category * Shopping frequency Crosstabulation
Shopping frequency
First time <
1/mont h
1/mont h
Age category 18-
24 Count 5 9 10 4 2 30
% within Age category 16,7% 30,0% 33,3% 13,3% 6,7% 100,0%
34 Count 13 24 31 15 4 87
% within Age category 14,9% 27,6% 35,6% 17,2% 4,6% 100,0%
49 Count 13 37 65 44 8 167
% within Age category 7,8% 22,2% 38,9% 26,3% 4,8% 100,0%
64 Count 3 21 39 39 10 112
% within Age category 2,7% 18,8% 34,8% 34,8% 8,9% 100,0%
64+ Count 1 6 7 6 3 23
% within Age category 4,3% 26,1% 30,4% 26,1% 13,0% 100,0%
Total Count 35 97 152 108 27 419
% within Age category 8,4% 23,2% 36,3% 25,8% 6,4% 100,0%
Table 2
Chi-Square Tests
df Asymptotic Significance (2- sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 26,591a 16 ,046
Likelihood Ratio 26,812 16 ,044
Linear-by-Linear Association 17,851 1 <,001
N of Valid Cases 419
a. 4 cells (16,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 1,48.
Table 3
a) Test whether age categories shop equally frequently or if there seems to be a relation between age and shopping frequency. Perform the test at the 5 % level. The null and alternative hypotheses should be stated explicitly.
b) What are your conclusions?
2. Question 2
An analyst at an investment firm wants to investigate if the yearly return is the same before and after a shock to the economy. He knows from before that this type of data is non-normal, but symmetric, and therefore he wants to use the Wilcoxon matched pair signed rank test. The data is available in the file mutualfund.sav.
Non-parametric tests
Hypothesis Test Summary
Null Hypothesis Test Sig.a,b Decision
1 The median of differences between Return_Before and
Return_After equals 0. Related-Samples Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test ,055 Retain the null hypothesis.
a. The significance level is ,050.
b. Asymptotic significance is displayed.
Related-samples Wilcoxon signed rank test Return before, return after
Table 4
Related-Samples Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test Summary
Total N 17
Test Statistic 36,000
Standard Error 21,110
Standardized Test Statistic -1,919
Asymptotic Sig.(2-sided test) ,055
Table 5
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