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Computer Network




Background of Business

Joey Research Company is a small business that develops high-speed wireless products. The company occupies three buildings. Two of these buildings are located in a campus in Sydney, Australia and the third is in Melbourne. One building in Sydney is for administration and their finance department. The second building in Sydney is a three-story building for Research and Development (R&D), Sales, and Marketing. The branch office in Melbourne is a Sales & Marketing branch.

Current Network and Configurations

The current network has the following characteristics:

  • Older Cisco devices with 100mb ports.


  • The current media type is CAT 5.


  • One outdated wireless b/g AP with coverage only in the administration building.


  • Each facility has its own MDF with demarcation point.


  • Current internet service is through ISDN.


  • One network segment per building creating network traffic bottlenecks:
    • No redundancy
    • One switch per floor/Building (single floor buildings)
    • Routing protocol is RIPv1


  • Analog phone system.


  • There are sufficient offices and additional space for growth.


  • Workstations, monitors, and printers meet or exceed current requirements.
    • Operating System is Windows 10



Current Server Configuration

  • One server is located within the main facilities (R&D building) in Sydney for files & print services running a free version of Linux.


  • Administration building can access server(s) in the R&D building through buried CAT cable but access is very slow.


  • Branch facility cannot access the servers in the other buildings; the data needs to be e-mailed.

Building Layout and Personnel

  • Administration building consists of 1 floor with 7 employees
    • CEO & VP
    • 3 Admin
    • 2 Finance


  • R&D, Sales, and Marketing build has three floors with 27 employees; each floor has both R&D personnel as well as Sales personnel:


  • 1st floor has 4 Research and 3 Sales/Marketing personnel
  • 2nd floor has 6 Research and 4 Sales/Marketing personnel
  • 3rd floor has 8 Research and 2 Sales/Marketing personnel


  • Branch office consists of 5 Sales/Marketing employees.


  • A few current employees are having to double as network administrators, which takes time away from their primary tasks.


Business Applications

Current applications and operation systems meet or exceed current requirements.


The business would like to expand the network to include the following consideration:

  • Plan requirements around 100% growth per building.


  • Add 4 servers to meet requirements.
    • Suggest alternative OS to meet service requirements and to increase security.
    • Server service requirements:


·         DNS

·         Application

·         Web

·         DHCP

·         Backup

·         Email

·         File

·         Financial

·         Database

·         Print

·         Virtualization



  • Provide suggestion and talking points for upgraded networking components to take advantage of gigabit speeds.


  • As network speed is a major concern, would like to upgrade cable runs to take advantage of gigabit NIC speeds of workstations.


  • R&D building will have 1 switch per floor:
    • Discuss redundancy between switches.
    • Discuss the implement and position of STP root in optimal location.


  • Realign IP addressing scheme to include VLSM
    • Considering the size of the business, keep all network addresses as /24.


  • Suggest and discuss a VLAN scheme.
    • Each workgroup, division, and servers should be separated for added security.
    • Only finance, CEO, and VP will have access to the data on the financial server.


  • Suggest and discuss a more efficient routing protocol than RIPv1.
    • Provide a routing protocol matrix showing benefits and drawbacks of each.


  • Suggest and discuss movement from analog phone system to digital IP phone system.


  • Discuss the implementation and position of a Web and e-mail server.


  • Branch facility needs to have access to server data through VPN.


  • Suggest and discuss internet upgrade and connection type at both locations (Sydney and Melbourne).


  • Suggest an upgrade to current wireless setup that will be compatible to recommended wired network components.


  • Provide discussion points and diagram on physical layer design and equipment.


  • Discuss testing and verification strategies.


  • Provide testing and verification results of router and switch commands.


  • Recommend future network upgrades.


  • Provide logical and physical diagrams.


  • Provide cable drop labeling suggestions.


  • Provide IP addressing table; include routers, switches, and PCs.


  • Provide networking equipment list table and pricing


  • Provide router and switch configurations.


  • Show testing results.



  • As budget requirements are negotiable, keeping costs low should be considered.


  • Main building (R&D building) should be considered to be the MDF and demarcation point for the facilities in Sydney.


  • The R&D building will house all major components including servers.


Your interview with the members of the company reveals the following information

  • Redundancy is especially necessary with company growth.


  • Accessibility to company data is necessary; not only to workgroups but also from each building location.


  • Because the business is upgrading and expanding, it is necessary to have at least two full time computer and network staff employees.


Finance Department

  • They have concerns of trying to keep the costs low. They do understand that they have to be competitive and maintain quality in the business; therefore, there is flexibility within the budget if adequate information is provided.


    • They complain about the company network and ISP connection being slow. This impacts productivity while creating frustrations.


    • Since they cannot save to their workstations (policy implementation), current storage allocation on the file server doesn’t meet needs.


    • Employees would like to utilize wireless devices to be more productive but can’t in most locations due the lack of, or weak, wireless signal.

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