1. Find your sheet in the excel file shared with you and save it as a separate excel workbook.
2. install the “readxl” package.
3. import the data from excel into R and store it as a table called ihdstbl by using the following command:
ihdstbl <- readxl::read_xlsx(file.choose())
4. A window will pop up. Locate and choose the excel file you had just created.
5. Work on the Source pane, and save your script as a .R file which has to be submitted.
Question 1
Select all columns except DISTID, DISTNAME and PSUID and store it as a tibble called ihdstbl1.
Question 2
Create a pivot table grouped by STATEID with columns that display for each state, the following summaries:
1. median of COPC called median_consumption.
2. median of NWORK called employd_persons_activity_hh.
3. mean of HHASSETS called hh_assets.
4. mean of INCOME called income
Store this as new_tbl.
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