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These Final Terms have been prepared in accordance with article 45(3) of the Federal Financial Services Act (FinSA).


Public Offer

The purpose of these Final Terms is to resume the original public offer of 5.15% (5.16% p.a.) Vonti on Lonza Group AG (the “Securities”) made under the Issuance Programme of June 1, 2019 and subject to the term sheet (final terms) of May 08, 2020 (the “First Final Terms”) including supplements (where any) after expiry of the issuance programme (the “Issuance Programme”) - (the “Resumption of Offer”). These Final Terms are a key factor in the Resumption of Offer. The terms and conditions contained in the First Final Terms are not relevant to the Resumption of Offer. The Resumption of Offer commences at the date of these Final Terms.

The Issuance Programme, the First Final Terms and any notices published since the issue of Securities under the terms and conditions of the First Final Terms are available on the issuer’s website at https://derinet.vontobel.com and if required hard copies can be obtained free of charge by contacting the issuer at its address.

I. Introduction

These Final Terms have been prepared in accordance with article 45(3) of the Federal Financial Services Act (FinSA). Please read the entire Prospectus for all relevant information on the Issuer, Guarantor and the Securities offer. The entire Prospectus comprises these Final Terms and the Base Prospectus of November 20, 2020 (the “Base Prospectus”) including supplements, if any, pursuant to article 56 FinSA (the “Supplements”). In accordance with article 64 FinSA, the Base Prospectus and any Supplements thereto are published electronically at https://derinet.vontobel.com and hard copies can be obtained free of charge from the Issuer’s address. A product-specific summary is attached to the Final Terms (see II below).

Pursuant to article 55 FinSA, the Base Prospectus is valid until November 19, 2021. We have no duty to issue any supplement in the event of significant new circumstances, material errors or inaccuracies after expiry of the Base Prospectus.

After expiry of the Base Prospectus, the public offer will continue on the basis of one or more subsequent Base Prospectuses (being each a “Subsequent Base Prospectus”) until the end of the public offer, if the relevant Subsequent Base Prospectus envisages the continuation of the public offer of Securities. In that case, the present Final Terms must be read together with the most recent Subsequent Base Prospectus. The relevant Subsequent Base Prospectus will be approved and published before the previous Base Prospectus expires. The relevant Subsequent Base Prospectus will be published electronically at https://derinet.vontobel.com and if required hard copies can be obtained free of charge by contacting the Issuer at its address.

II. Summary

This summary constitutes an introduction to the Prospectus. Investment decisions must not be based on the introduction but on the information contained in the entire Prospectus. The Issuer accepts no liability for the summary unless the summary itself is misleading, incorrect or contradictory when read together with the other parts of the Prospectus.

Important information on the Securities

Issuer Vontobel Financial Products Ltd., DIFC Dubai (no rating)

Guarantor Vontobel Holding AG, Zurich (Moody's Long Term Issuer Rating A3) 

Lead Manager Bank Vontobel AG, Zurich

ISIN / Swiss Security Number / Symbol CH0536690826 / 53669082 / RLOA0V

SSPA Product Type Reverse Convertible (1220), see also www.sspa.ch

Initial Fixing April 30, 2020

Payment Date May 08, 2020 

Final Fixing April 30, 2021

Repayment Date May 07, 2021 

Redemption / Delivery see "Redemption / Delivery" below 

2/2 Vontobel

Underlying Lonza Group AG, Registered Share

Settlement Cash payment and/or physical settlement

Important information on the offer and admission to trading

Issue Price 100.00% of the Nominal Value

Nominal Value CHF 5'000.00 

Issue size CHF 25'000'000, with the option to increase

Minimum investment CHF 5'000.00 Nominal Value

Public offering start November 28, 2020

Public offering end The public offering of the Securities will end either at expiry of the term of the Securities or – unless a Subsequent Base Prospectus has been approved and published by the final day of validity of a Base Prospectus - at expiry of the Base Prospectus in accordance with article 55 FINSA 

Type of offering Public offer in Switzerland: the Final Terms being submitted to and published by the regulator, SIX Exchange Regulation

Restrictions on sale USA, US Persons / EEA / United Kingdom / Dubai/DIFC; see the Base Prospectus for other restrictions on sale 

Listing / Admission to trading Will be applied for in the main segment at the SIX Swiss Exchange.

Secondary market trading The Issuer or Lead Manager intend, under normal market conditions, to provide a secondary

market throughout the entire term, but do not assume any legal obligation to do so. Indicative daily prices of this product are available at www.derinet.com.

III. Product terms

Final Termsheet / Termsheet (Final Terms) and Issuance Programme, as used in the following terms of issue, have the meaning given in the Base Prospectus to the (German) terms: Endgültige Bedingungen / Endgültige Bedingungen (Final Terms) and to Base Prospectus.

The (initial) issue price of the Securities shown in the following terms of issue is a purely historic indicative price and is based on market conditions when the Securities were first offered. The issue price of the Securities at the Resumption of Offer will be set on the basis of current market conditions and will be accessible that day on https://derinet.vontobel.com by entering the relevant ISIN.

The following product terms supplement the general terms of issue specified in the Issuance Programme with product features. The product terms and the general terms of issue together form the terms of issue (the “Terms of Issue”).

Product Description

These products are characterised by one or several guaranteed Coupons, as well as by a – albeit only conditional – redemption at the Nominal Value. The redemption at the end of the term is determined on the basis of the closing price of the Underlying: If at Final Fixing the Underlying is higher than or equal to the Strike Price, the Nominal Value is repaid. If at Final Fixing the Underlying is lower than the Strike Price, the investor receives the delivery of the Underlying or a cash compensation, corresponding to the closing price of the Underlying (for details see "Redemption/Delivery").

Product Information

ISIN / Swiss Security Number / Symbol CH0536690826 / 53669082 / RLOA0V Issue Price 100.00% of the Nominal Value

Nominal Value CHF 5'000.00

Reference Currency CHF; issue, trading and redemption are in the Reference Currency

Initial Fixing 30 April 2020; Closing price on the reference stock exchange

Payment Date 08 May 2020 

Last Trading Day 30 April 2021 (5:00 PM, local time Zurich)

Final Fixing 30 April 2021; Closing price on the reference stock exchange

 Repayment Date 07 May 2021

Underlying Lonza Group AG (further details on the Underlying see below) Spot Reference Price CHF 421.40

Strike Price CHF 358.20 (85.00%*)

Number of Underlyings 13.95868 (fractions are paid out in cash, no accumulation)

* in % of the Spot Reference Price

Coupon 5.15% (5.1600% p.a.) 30/360 (number of days: 359) , Modified Following, Unadjusted

If a Redemption Date or a Coupon Payment Date (each a "Payment Date") is not a Business Day, the Payment Date shall be the next Bank Business Day, unless the Payment Date would therefore fall into the next calendar month, in this case the Payment Date shall be the immediately preceding Bank Business Day. The Coupon due on the relevant Payment Date and, if applicable, the subsequent Coupon shall not be adjusted accordingly in the event of a postponement of a Payment Date.

Interest Component 0.0000% (Premium Component: 5.1500%)

Redemption / Delivery -  If at Final Fixing the closing price of the Underlying is higher than or equal to the Strike price,

the Nominal Value is repaid. In addition, the Coupon is paid out at Repayment Date.

- If at Final Fixing the closing price of the Underlying is lower than the Strike Price, a physical delivery of the indicated Number of Underlyings is made; fractions are not accumulated and are paid out in cash. In addition, the Coupon is paid out at Repayment Date.


Issuer Vontobel Financial Products Ltd., DIFC Dubai (no rating)

Guarantor Vontobel Holding AG, Zurich (Moody's Long Term Issuer Rating A3)

Keep-Well Agreement With Bank Vontobel AG, Zurich (Moody's Long Term Deposit Rating: Aa3)

Lead Manager Bank Vontobel AG, Zurich 

Paying and Calculation Agent Bank Vontobel AG, Zurich

Supervision Bank Vontobel AG is authorized as a bank in Switzerland and is subject to prudential supervision by the Federal Financial Markets Regulator (FINMA). Vontobel Financial Products Ltd. is a company registered in the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) to conduct financial services in or from the DIFC and subject to prudential supervision by the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA) as an authorized Category 2 firm for Dealing in Investments as Principal. Vontobel Holding AG is not a financial intermediary subject to prudential supervision. Both Vontobel Holding AG and Vontobel Financial Products Ltd. as group member companies are subject to complementary, consolidated group supervision by FINMA.

Costs and Charges

Distribution charges The Issue Price includes Distribution charges of 0.71%. Distribution charges may be paid as a discount on the Issue Price or as a one-time and/or periodic payment by the Issuer to one or more financial intermediaries.

Further Information

Issue size CHF 25'000'000, with the option to increase

Title The Structured Products are issued in the form of non-certificated book-entry securities of the Issuer.

No certificates, no title imprint.

Depository SIX SIS AG 

Clearing / Settlement SIX SIS AG, Euroclear Brussels, Clearstream (Luxembourg)

Applicable Law / Jurisdiction Swiss law / Zurich 1, Switzerland 

Publication of notices and adjustments All notices to investors concerning the products and adjustments to the product terms (e.g. due

to corporate actions) are published under the "Product history" of the respective product at www.derinet.com. In the case of products listed at SIX Swiss Exchange notifications are published at www.six-swiss-exchange.com in accordance with applicable rules, too.

Early termination Only for fiscal or other extraordinary reasons, as well as in case of no outstanding positions (as specified in detail in the Issuance Program). 

Secondary market trading Throughout the entire term a secondary trading is conducted. Indicative daily prices of this product are available at www.derinet.com.

Price setting Secondary market price quotations are "clean", that is, accumulated interest is not included. 

Listing Will be applied for in the main segment at the SIX Swiss Exchange.

Minimum investment CHF 5'000.00 Nominal Value 

Minimum trading lot CHF 5'000.00 Nominal Value

Sustainability of the Product In our view, this product is sustainable for two reasons:

The issuer of the product – Leading ESG rating agencies (ESG = environmental, social and governance criteria) rated the Vontobel group as "sustainable". For example, ISS-oekom, one of the leading ESG research and rating agencies with an established rating methodology and high market recognition, awarded Vontobel the “Prime” status.

The underlying of the product – Based on the ESG criteria, the underlying of the product has been rated as “sustainable” by the Vontobel ESG Competence Center in line with its best-in- class approach. Further information is published on the website www.derinet.com

Tax treatment in Switzerland

Swiss Income Tax

This product qualifies as transparent with predominantly one-off interest payments (IUP). The return determined on the bond component of the product for the holding period is subject to direct federal taxes (modified taxation of the difference).

Swiss Withholding Tax

No Swiss withholding tax 

Swiss turnover tax Secondary market transactions are not subject to the Swiss turnover tax.

If delivery of the underlying is stipulated, the swiss turnover tax may, however, be imposed.

General Information

Transactions and payments relating to this product may be subject to further (foreign) transaction taxes, duties and/or withholding taxes, in particular a withholding tax pursuant to the Section 871(m) of the US Internal Revenue Code. All payments from this product will occur with any applicable taxes and duties deducted.

If delivery of the underlying is stipulated, foreign taxes and duties have to be assumed by the investors.

The taxation mentioned is a non-binding and non-exhaustive summary of the applicable treatment of Swiss-domiciled private investors for tax purposes.

The investor's specific circumstances, however, are not taken into account. We point out that Swiss and/or foreign tax law or the authoritative practice of Swiss and/or foreign tax authorities can change at any time or specify further tax or charge liabilities (possibly even with retrospective effect).

Potential investors should have the tax effects of the purchase, holding, sale or repayment of this product examined by their own tax adviser - especially with respect to the effects of taxation under another jurisdiction. 

Net present value of bond components upon issue 

CHF 5'000.00 (Implied IRR: 0.00%)

Description of the Underlying

Lonza Group AG Name and type: Lonza Group AG, Registered Share 

Company and place of registration: 

Lonza Group AG, Münchensteinerstrasse 38, CH-4002 Basel 

Identification: ISIN CH0013841017 / Bloomberg <LONN SE Equity>

Reference Exchange: SIX Swiss Exchange

Futures exchange: Eurex; the calculation agent can determine another futures exchange at its discretion

Performance: Available at www.six-swiss-exchange.com

Transferability: According to the articles of incorporation of Lonza Financial statements:

Prospects of Profit and Losses

Any possible gain results from the guaranteed fixed coupon. Nevertheless, there is an upper limit to the gain, as the maximum payment is the Nominal Value plus the coupon.

These products have no capital protection. Accordingly, the risks are considerable; given upwardly limited chances of gains, they correspond largely to the risks of a direct investment in the Underlying. If the Strike Price is above 100%, the risk increases proportionally (in the ratio of Strike price to Spot Reference Price). The lower the closing price of the Underlying at maturity is, the greater the losses sustained. Apart from the coupon payments, in extreme cases, the maximum loss can lead to a loss of the capital invested.

Even if the performance of the Underlying is positive the price of the product during the term can be considerably below the Issue Price. Potential investors should bear in mind that price changes to the Underlying, as well as other influencing factors, may have a negative effect on the value of structured products.

Assumptions and limitations in preparing the market scenarios

The following market scenarios should afford the investor a simplified way of making an assessment of the significant factors that influence the investment performance of the certificate. For a precise analysis of the profit and loss scenarios, reference must be made to the formulas and definitions set out in this termsheet, (e.g. for "reimbursement"), because these scenarios have been deliberately simplified in order to make them better understandable. With the exception of those certificates for which one of the following factors is defined as the underlying (e.g. a currency certificate or a certificate of interest), the impact of these risk factors will be excluded from the simplified presentation of the scenario

Foreign currency risks

Interest rate risks

Volatility risks

Issuer risk

Reference bond (“default or redemption event”)

Fees and costs both stemming from the certificate and for the acquisition and holding of the certificate

Market scenarios

Maximum gain: Cap at coupon

Maximum loss: 100%


Indicative performance of the certificate: 0% to coupon

Necessary market performance of Underlying: - If the Strike Price is reached, the performance corresponds to the Coupon

- If the Strike Price was reached, but the price loss in reference to the Strike Price of the relevant Underlying is smaller than the Coupon multiplied by the Strike Price in %, then the performance lies between 0% and the Coupon

- Performance is limited to the Coupon (Cap)


Indicative performance of the certificate: 0%

Necessary market performance of Underlying: - The price loss in reference to the Strike Price of the relevant Underlying corresponds to the Coupon multiplied by the Strike Price in %


Indicative performance of the certificate: Loss of up to 100% possible

Necessary market performance of Underlying: - The price loss in reference to the Strike Price of the relevant underlying is higher than the

coupon multiplied by the exercise price in %

Significant Risks for Investors

Currency risks

If the Underlying or Underlyings is/are denominated in a currency other than the product's Reference Currency, investors should bear in mind that this may involve risks due to fluctuating exchange rates and that the risk of loss does not only depend on the performance of the Underlying(s) but also on any unfavourable performance of the other currency or currencies. This does not apply for currency-hedged products (quanto structure).

Market risks

The general market performance of securities is dependent in particular on the development of the capital markets which, for their part, are influenced by the general global economic situation as well as by the economic and political framework conditions in the respective countries (so- called market risk). Changes to market prices such as interest rates, commodity prices or corresponding volatilities may have a negative effect on the valuation of the Underlying(s) or the Structured Product.

Disruption risks

There is also the risk of market disruptions (such as trading or stock market interruptions or discontinuation of trading) or other unforeseeable occurrences concerning the respective Underlyings and/or their stock exchanges or markets taking place during the term or upon maturity of the Structured Products. Such occurrences can have an effect on the time of redemption and/or on the value of the Structured Products.

In the event of trading restrictions, sanctions and similar occurrences, the Issuer is entitled, for the purpose of calculating the value of the Structured Product, to include at its own discretion the Underlying instruments at their most recently traded price, at a fair value to be established at its sole discretion or indeed as worthless, and/or additionally to suspend pricing in the Structured Product or liquidate the Structured Product prematurely.

Secondary market risks

Under normal market conditions, the Issuer or the Lead Manager intend to post bid- and ask-prices on a regular basis. However, neither the Issuer nor the Lead Manager is under any obligation with respect to investors to provide such bid- and ask-prices for specific order or securities volumes, and there is no guarantee of a specific liquidity or of a specific spread (i.e. the difference between bid- and ask-prices), for which reason investors cannot rely on being able to purchase or sell the Structured Products on a specific date or at a specific price.

Issuer risk

The value of Structured Products may depend not only on the performance of the Underlying(s), but also on the creditworthiness of the Issuer and the Guarantor, which may change during the term of the Structured Product. The investor is exposed to the risk of default of the Issuer and the Guarantor. For further information on the rating of Bank Vontobel AG or Vontobel Holding AG , please see the Issuance Program.

Risks associated with the Sustainability of the Product

A prospective investor should independently assess the information in relation to the sustainability of the Product and determine whether an investment in the product meets the investor's objectives and expectations or any investment guidelines applicable to the investor with respect to a sustainable investment. Vontobel Group (including the Issuer) makes no representation that the Product currently or in the future will meet the investor's objectives and expectations or any investment guidelines applicable to the investor with respect to a sustainable investment. In particular, the classification of a Product as "sustainable" may change during the life of the Product, for example when the Underlying of the Product no longer meets the sustainability requirements set. This is usually reviewed on a monthly basis. In case of a change, the classification of the Product on the website www.derinet.com will be updated.

Risks relating to potential conflicts of interest

There may be conflicts of interest at the Vontobel Group companies that could have a negative impact on the value of the Structured Products. For example, Vontobel Group companies may enter into or participate in trading and hedging transactions relating to the Underlying. They may also perform other functions relating to the Structured Products (e.g. as Calculation Agent, Index Sponsor and/or Market Maker) which enable them to determine the composition of the Underlying or calculate its value. Vontobel Group companies may also receive non-public information relating to the Underlying. It should also be noted that the payment of distribution fees and other commissions to financial intermediaries could result in conflicts of interest to the detriment of the investor, as this could create an incentive for the financial intermediary to distribute products with a higher commission preferentially to its clients. As market maker, Vontobel Group companies can determine the price of Structured Products themselves to a large extent and determine it on the basis of various factors and earnings considerations.

Please also note the further, detailed description of potential conflicts of interest and their impact on the value of the Structured Products as contained in the Issuance Program.

Selling Restrictions

Any products purchased by any person for resale may not be offered in any jurisdiction in circumstances which would result in the Issuer being obliged to register any further documentation relating to this product in such jurisdiction.

The restrictions listed below must not be taken as definitive guidance as to whether this product can be sold in a jurisdiction. Additional restrictions on offering, selling or holding of this product may apply in other jurisdictions. Investors in this product should seek specific advice before on-selling this product.

United States, U.S. persons

The securities neither have been nor will be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act") and the securities may neither be offered nor sold within the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. persons (as defined in Regulation S under the Securities Act).

Trading in the securities has not been and will not be approved by the United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission under the United States Commodity Exchange Act or by any other state securities commission nor has the Commodity Futures Trading Commission or any other state securities commission passed upon the accuracy or the adequacy of the Issuance Program. The Issuance Program may not be used in the United States and may not be delivered in the United States.

The securities will not be directly or indirectly offered, sold, traded or delivered within the United States or to or for the account or benefit of U.S. persons (as defined in Regulation S under the Securities Act).

Each offeror is required to agree that it will not offer or sell the securities as part of their distribution at any time within the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. persons (as defined in Regulation S under the Securities Act).

The term "United States" as used herein means the United States of America, its territories or possessions, any state of the United States, the District of Columbia or any other enclave of the United States government, its agencies or instrumentalities.

European Economic Area (EEA)

In relation to each Member State of the European Economic Area any offeror of securities represents and agrees that it has not made and will not make an offer of the securities which are the subject of the offering contemplated by this Issuance Program as completed by the Termsheets (Final Terms) to the public in that Member State other than at any time:

(a) to persons who are qualified investors as defined in the Prospectus Regulation;

(b) to fewer than 150 natural or legal persons (other than qualified investors as defined in the Prospectus Regulation), subject to obtaining the prior consent of the Lead Manager for any such offer; or

(c) in any other circumstances falling within Articles 1(3), 1(4) and/or 3(2)(b) of the Prospectus Regulation,

provided that no such offer of securities shall require the Issuer or Lead Manager to publish a prospectus pursuant to Article 3 of the Prospectus Regulation.

For the purposes of the provision above, the expression an “offer of securities to the public” in relation to any securities in any Member State means the communication in any form and by means of sufficient information on the terms of the offer and the securities to be offered so as to enable an investor to decide to purchase or subscribe for the securities, and the expression “Prospectus Regulation” means Regulation (EU) 2017/ 1129, and includes any relevant implementing measure in the relevant Member State.

United Kingdom

In addition to the restrictions described in the selling restrictions for the European Economic Area (see above), the following matters should be noted with respect to the United Kingdom.

Any offeror of the products will be required to represent and agree that:

(a) in relation to any products which have a maturity of less than one year, (i) it is a person whose ordinary activities involve it in acquiring, holding, managing or disposing of investments (as principal or agent) for the purposes of its business and (ii) it has not offered or sold and will not offer or sell any products other than to persons whose ordinary activities involve them in acquiring, holding, managing or disposing of investments (as principal or as agent) for the purposes of their businesses or who it is reasonable to expect will acquire, hold, manage or dispose of investments (as principal or agent) for the purposes of their businesses where the issue of the products would otherwise constitute a contravention of section 19 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 ("FSMA") by the Issuer;

(b) it has only communicated or caused to be communicated and will only communicate or cause to be communicated an invitation or inducement to engage in investment activity (within the meaning of section 21 of the FSMA) received by it in connection with the issue or sale of any products in circumstances in which section 21(1) of the FSMA does not apply to the Issuer or the Guarantor (if any); and

(c) it has complied and will comply with all applicable provisions of the FSMA with respect to anything done by it in relation to any products in, from or otherwise involving the United Kingdom.


This document relates to an Exempt Offer in accordance with the Markets Rules Module (MKT) of the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA). This document is intended for distribution only to a person entitled to receive it under Rule 2.3.1 of the MKT. It must not be delivered to, or relied on, by any other person. The DFSA has no responsibility for reviewing or verifying any documents in connection with Exempt Offers. The DFSA has not approved this document nor taken any steps to verify the information set out in it, and has no responsibility for it. The securities to which this document relates may be illiquid and/or subject to restrictions on their resale. Prospective purchasers of the securities offered should conduct their own due diligence on the securities. If you do not understand the contents of this document, you should consult an authorized financial adviser.

Further risk information and selling restrictions

Please also note the additional risk factors and selling restrictions set out in detail in the Issuance Program.

Legal Notices

Product documentation

Only the Termsheets published at www.derinet.com along with the associated notices and adjustments shall be legally valid.

The original version of the Termsheet is in German; foreign-language versions constitute non-binding translations. The Issuer and/or Bank Vontobel AG is entitled to correct spelling mistakes, calculation or other obvious errors in this Termsheet and to make editorial changes, as well as to amend or supplement contradictory or incomplete provisions, without the consent of the investors.

The "Termsheet (Final Terms)", which is usually issued on the date of the initial fixing, contains a summary of the most important final terms and information, and constitutes the "Final Terms" pursuant to art. 21 of the Additional Rules for the Listing of Derivatives of SIX Swiss Exchange.

Together with the current Issuance Program, registered with SIX Swiss Exchange (the „Issuance Program“), the Final Terms constitute the complete listing prospectus according to the Listing Rules. In the event of discrepancies between this Termsheet and the Issuance Program, the provisions of the Final Terms shall take precedence.

For structured products not listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange, the Termsheet (Final Terms) constitutes the definitive simplified prospectus pursuant to art. 5 of the Federal Act on Collective Investment Schemes (CISA) [Status as of 1 July 2016]. In addition, reference is also made (with the exception of the provisions authoritative for a listing) to the Issuance Program, in particular to the detailed information on risks contained therein, to the General Terms and Conditions and to the descriptions of the corresponding product types.

During the entire term of the Structured Product, all documents may be ordered free of charge from Bank Vontobel AG, Structured Products Documentation, Bleicherweg 21, 8002 Zurich, Switzerland (telephone: +41 58 283 78 88) and may also be downloaded on the www.derinet.com website. Vontobel explicitly rejects any liability for publications on other Internet platforms.

Further information

The list and information shown do not constitute a recommendation concerning the Underlying in question; they are for information purposes only and do not constitute either an offer or an invitation to submit an offer, or a recommendation to purchase Financial Products. Indicative information is provided without warranty. The information is not a substitute for the advice that is indispensable before entering into any derivative transaction. Only investors who fully understand the risks of the transaction to be concluded and who are commercially in a position to bear the losses which may thereby arise should enter into such transactions. Furthermore, we refer to the brochure "Risks Involved in Trading Financial Instruments" which you can order from us. In connection with the issuing and/or selling of Structured Products, companies from the Vontobel Group can pay reimbursements to third parties directly or indirectly in different amounts (for details see "Figures for fees and charges”). Such commission is included in the issue price. You can obtain further information from your sales agent upon request. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have concerning our products on +41 58 283 78 88 from 08.00 – 17.00 CET on bank business days. Please note that all calls to this number are recorded. By calling this number, your consent to such recording is deemed given.

Material changes since the most recent annual financial statements

Subject to the information in this Termsheet and the Issuance Program, no material changes have occurred in the assets and liabilities, financial position and profits and losses of the issuer/guarantor since the reporting date or the close of the last financial year or the interim financial statements of the issuer and, as the case may be, of the guarantor.

Responsibility for the listing prospectus

Bank Vontobel AG takes responsibility for the content of the listing prospectus and hereby declares that, to the best of its knowledge, the information is correct and that no material facts or circumstances have been omitted.


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