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Operations Research

Utilizing the Minitab program application conduct a full-factorial DOE with 3 factors at 2 levels


Assignment details:

Utilizing the Minitab program application conduct a full-factorial DOE with 3 factors at 2 levels in any one of the following. This will have a total of 8 experiments. Run 2 replicates.

• Sugar dissolving in water. Factor 1 Sugar: crushed and cubes; Factor 2 Water: hot and cold; Factor 3 Stirring: with spoon and with no spoon. Yield is the time for the sugar to dissolve.

• Making popcorn in a microwave. Factor 1 Type of popcorn brand: Brand A and Brand B; Time in microwave: 2 minutes and 3 minutes; Power settings: Medium power and High power. Yield is the number of kernels left un-popped.

• Identifying the best chocolates that your family likes. Factor 1 Type of Chocolates: Dove and Hersheys; Factor 2 Dark and Milk; Factor 2 chocolates with nuts and without nuts. Yield can be how well you like the chocolate tasted on a Likert scale of 1 to 10. • Any suitable experiment at your place of work. Example: Time to complete a process using 3 factors. Factor 1: Old process and New process. Factor 2: Using Machine A and Machine B. Factor 3: Employee A and Employee B. Yield will be the time it took to complete the process. Report should include: 1) Design of the experiment 2) Table with the output 3) Analyze the experiment 4) Identify factors and interactions that matter (have a p-value < 0.05) 5) Create an equation for the process 6) Run a validation experiment. You will take screenshots from minitab and put them in a word file for all 6 parts above. A notes .ppt and lecture will be provided.


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