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What are the effects of education on employment levels for disabled persons?


College for persons with disability, is it worth the effort?

What are the effects of education on employment levels for disabled persons?

Is education more important for people with disabilities than others when looking for employment?

Does the discrepancy between D and ND lessen with education?


College is hard for everyone but especially those with physical or neurological disabilities. This paper looks at data pertaining to employment rates among educational categories with comparison between US populations with a disability and those without.  How beneficial is it for a person with a disability to obtain a college degree and is it worth the extraordinary effort that is required?

Motivation behind this project is from a statistic shared by +++++++ “85%”. This makes one question why they should invest the time and effort to attend college if they are disabled.

Many studies have been done to compare employment rates for DP to NDP. There is overwhelming evidence to show that DP have a substantially lower employment rates and wages than NDP.++++++++++++++insert data here+++++  Fewer studies are available that compare the effect of educational levels on the two populations. This project seeks to determine the employment rates at various educational levels for DP and NDP to see if there is a linear relationship.



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